#villains fanfiction



Description: On a lone stretch of highway on Halloween night, Mickey and his girlfriend pass the time with a spooky story.

Warnings:strong language and maybe something spooky, also a tiny reference to there being an election, but that’s all

“I can’t believe Halloween is finally on a Saturday, and on a full moon, and we’re spending it driving through West Virginia,” Mickey complained, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel as he peered out at the darkened stretch of highway before him. You hadn’t seen any cars for miles in either direction, as if everyone else in the state had gone out celebrating the holiday and you two were the only people missing out. You placed your hand on your boyfriend’s arm and gave him a sympathetic look.

“I know, baby, but if we don’t keep driving, there’s no way we’ll make it home in time to vote,” you said sweetly. “And you know how important it is to me,” you added, leaning in to plant a soft kiss against his stubbled jaw.

Mickey’s agitation seemed to melt, then, and he looked at you with that raw affection that always made you so grateful to have him for your partner-in-crime. You smiled and tousled his hair with your fingers.

“I love you.”

“I know,” he said, and grinned, because he knew saying it drove you crazy, and it made him feel like Han Solo.

“Well, since it’s Halloween,” you said, snuggling into his jean jacket draped around your shoulders. “Why don’t we tell scary stories?”

Mickey lifted a skeptical eyebrow, glancing in your direction. “Yeah, but… won’t you get scared?”

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A little something for the spooky season
