#violence against reader


Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.

Warnings: Violence towards the reader


It is well into the afternoon as you are walking home. Frank decided to keep the guitar to bring it back to Karen’s apartment so it would be quicker for you to walk home. You enter your apartment floor when you hear loud blood curdling screams which were slightly muffled by the sound of the walls. 

It is a wonder of how nobody else could hear it. You sprint to your door taking out your home key before jamming it into the lock and unlocking it. Not even bothering to shut the door as you run into the living room. You look upon the mess that he must have created in his fit seeing that there is a broken glass on the ground in a puddle of water, Ibuprofen tablets on the floor the table and chair seeming to have been knocked over when he stumbled and where he is sitting now is against the far wall away from the small hallway.  "Dad!“ you shout as you rush to his side. "Dad! Dad! Can you hear me?” All he does is continue to scream his head thrashing around as well as his arms flailing. You have never seen this level of fear come from him.

You look for an opening in his flailing to lay a firm hand on his shoulder. “Da-” Your hand is grabbed in a painful death grip as a punch lands its self on your throat leaving you to choke and gasp for breath. Your free hand reaches for your throat trying to catch your breath. Seemingly now more terrified that someone is here with him he goes in to full “Fight or Flight” mode landing another punch across the nose before pinning you down. “Dad!” You sputter as you can now feel blood dripping from your nose to your lips. His grip seems to tighten on your arm while raising his other hand to go in for another punch. You try and block your face the best you can but it is no use seeing as your block was weak it only succeeded into crashing your own fist into your face along with his. “Daddy please! Please!” You sob out reaching up and cupping his cheek. “Daddy please it’s me!” He seems to freeze in place. You drop your hand to your chest seemingly exhausted. “Daddy please.” You whimper out and sniffle as the blood from your nose gets sucked back into your lungs making you cough and sputter. “Sweet… Sweetpea?” Matt asks. “No… No, no, no, no Sweetpea I-” He rips his hand from your wrist which is now bruising and he gets up and away from you as fast as he can.

“No… No, no, no, no Sweetpea I-” I move away from her getting up stumbling. My mind is fogged as my eyes well up with tears as they pool down my face. My senses seem to clear as I can now smell the scent of her shampoo mixed with the perfume she always wears.  "(Y/N) I didn’t…“ I feel my feet carrying me toward where she last was only to hear a sob coming from her. "Honey please. You know I would never hurt you. P-Please don’t be scared.” I squat down to her level lifting my hand in her direction hoping for her to take my hand. “Please let me know you are okay Sweetpea…” The shuffle of clothes and the sound of her shoes run past me as I hear the slam of her bedroom door. This rips a sob from my throat as dark thoughts consume my head. ‘She’s scared of me.’ I can hear the sobs coming from her room. “N-no I-” My chest tightens as I search my pockets for my phone. 'Is this what a panic attack feels like?’ When I find it I press the power button. “C-Call Foggy.” I sniffle the ringing seems to go on forever until the ringing ends meaning Foggy didn’t answer. “Call Foggy!” The same repetitive ringing begins again only to be met with the same thing. “Call Foggy dammit!” I yell to the phone only to have it respond with “Karen… Karen… Kar-” I answer the phone “Oh Karen thank god” My breath seems to have left me.

“Matt whats going on? Me and Foggy are try-” “I need you to pick up (Y/N) Please. Please pick her up!” I beg and she responds “Is she okay what happened?” I just continue to stumble over my words my panic only rising as I speak. “Matt, Matt calm down I’m coming okay? I’m coming.” She says as the muffled voice of Foggy comes through. “Foggy I need to go I will be right back. I’m on my way Matt.” With that she hangs up. I’m shaking by the end my breath still caught in my throat. I walk over to (Y/N)’s door and gently tap with my knuckles. “(Y/N)… Sweetpea?” I get no response and find myself sliding down the wall next to her door. “I’m sorry (Y/N). I am so sorry.” My eyes feel irritated and my skin is prickled with goose bumps. “Karen is coming okay? She is going to take you for a bit… I will get sorted out okay? I will never hurt you again.” I say wiping my eyes. I don’t know how long I have been sitting there but I continue to say my apologies  "You are my little pea okay? I love you more then anything.“  As I say that I hear Karen’s footsteps enter the apartment.

"Matt? Oh my god Matt what happened?”  I feel her kneel down in front of me taking my hand in hers. “Check on her Karen. Check on (Y/N)… I really messed up Karen.” I place both my palms on my eyes and begin to rub them only irritating them further. “Okay. Okay I will check just tell me what happened.” I can hear Karen’s voice rise with panic. “Something happened… I suddenly lost my hearing and I freaked out. I-I hit her Karen. I hurt her really bad.” Just thinking about it tears a sob from my throat. “Oh god… Um okay I am going to check on her okay? I am going to take her with me like you asked.” I hear her stand up and slowly open and walk inside. I decide not to listen in on their conversation. All I do is focus on the sound of (Y/N)s heartbeat as I hear the tissues being torn from her bedside table which I can only assume would be for her nose. I hear the rustle of clothes being put in a bag as I hear the pair of footsteps  come close to the bedroom door. Everything else seems like a blur from that point on. I feel her (E/C) eyes on me and I can’t seem to face her. Their footsteps get farther and farther away as my apartment door shuts.
