#platonic frank castle x reader



Marvel Masterlist


Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.

Updates: Monday’s, Wednesday’s, Saturdays

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21



Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Summary- (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has. 


“Are you sure you are ready to go home?” Frank asks you as you stop at the corner of your street. Frank had “work” to attend to and he was going to drop you back off at Karen’s place but you decided against it. You decided that Frank was right and you shouldn’t be scared to talk and have a heart-to-heart with your dad. “Yes I am sure. I will pick up my stuff from Karen’s place tomorrow.” Frank nods and stands facing down your street. 

“Well run along then.” He says nodding toward your apartment building. “Remember kid if something happens you know where to go.” He says referencing the sandwich shop you both went to a while back. “I know where to go Frank… Thank you for caring.” You say smiling in admiration. Frank only chuckles with a small smile giving you a fatherly gaze which he quickly shakes off. With a now stoic face he says. “Okay, Okay now get going.” He says and you sigh. “Alright. Bye Frank!” You say as you begin walking home. What you didn’t know what that Frank watched you until you got inside your apartment building before walking away.

Walking into your apartment it was oddly quiet with hushed whispers. You slowly creep into the living room to see you father shirtless and a woman with dark hair sitting on the couch. You couldn’t hear what they were saying but they seemed very intimate with how close and touchy they were. Sadly the only thought that was running through your head was that he seemed to jump at the opportunity of love once you were out of the picture. “So this is what you do after you beat your daughter to a pulp?” You ask anger evident in your tone. Matt and the woman look back at you looking shocked. “You have a daughter!” She asks shocked to which you respond with. “Yes he does and I think it is best you leave!” You hiss out. The woman is now standing along with Matt to now seeing that your dad was only wearing a pair of boxers while she was only in boy shorts and a black tank top. “Elektra it was before I met you that I had her!” He exclaims and the woman who is now named Elektra looks between the both of you. “Wow you feel the need to explain shit to her while I am wondering why there is a nearly half naked woman in my house!”  Matt looks shocked at what you are saying. “(Y/N) language!” He says raising his voice a touch. “Oh fuck language! Right when I’m out of the picture you decide it is finally time to get into someone’s pants!” Tears begin to well up in your eyes looking at both of them. “You need to calm down.” Elektra says with an annoyed look on her face. “You shut the fuck up! This isn’t about you! This is between me and my dad!” You shout. “(Y/N)! Don’t talk to her like that! Watch your language!”  Ignoring his statement you ask. “How do you even know her?” crossing your arms over your chest and heaving. “She’s someone from colle-” “Oh so she is some college hookup?” You growl. “What has gotten into you! Why are you so rebellious all of the sudden?!” Matt finally shouts. “What has gotten into me is the fact that you have had zero contact with me in the two days I have been gone and now I know why!” You say gesturing between the two. “Because instead of maybe asking for forgiveness you decided to go a fuck around with some college hooker!” “Go to your room right now!” Your dad yells louder then you have ever heard him. This makes you jump and look down. You go to turn around and head out the front door in an effort to hide your tears but Matts voice stops you. “No! Your room. Now.” He says sternly. You keep your head down and speed walk to your room slamming the door.

It has been an hour or so and instead of laying in your bed you have taken to laying under it. You use to do this when you were younger to stop the monsters in your closet from getting you. Your head is laying on a small decretive pillow that was on your bed which is now well soaked with your tears. This time is different from any other. Instead of hiding from the monsters in your closet. You are hiding from the thoughts of being replaced. It wasn’t that you disliked the thought of your father dating people it is just the timing was all wrong. The fact that your dad yelled at you with such resentment it seemed is what scared you the most. He never raised his voice at you even when you do something wrong or lash out at him. This was a different side of him that you have never seen before. A little part of you has always been insecure when it comes to your father. He had you just as he was entering law school and when he wasn’t going to class or doing homework he would spend every waking moment with you. You never really knew what happened to your mother but you found out at a young age that after you were born she up and left. You were glad that your father has his own practice in law but now you barely see him. Almost being fifteen is hard when you are also doing things that a normal adult should do. You understand that your father wasn’t normal but that doesn’t make it any better. You had nannies when you were younger when he started working for that big law company place that you can’t remember the name of and that caused some major anxiety. Now the thoughts rushing through your mind is insecurities, anxiety, and depression. It now makes sense though. All the late nights, never coming back until late, and sometimes never at all. ‘Why wouldn’t he tell me he is seeing someone?’ You thought. 'Why now of all times would he choose to bring her over?’

There are light taps on the door which makes you curl your legs closer to your body and chest. You sniffle and wipe your eyes gently as to not hurt your nose or back eye. The door slowly opens and the pads of feet on the ground are heard. “(Y/N)?” That’s new. He calls you 'sweetpea’ when he knows you are upset. “(Y/N) I need you to come out I need to talk to you…” There is an edge in his voice that you haven’t heard in a while. 'He must be really angry…’  You think but decide not to answer. He guides himself toward the bed before sitting on the ground in front of it. “I need to talk to you about your behavior tonight. It was completely unacceptable.” He says. “what about your behavior?” you mumble to yourself but he seemed to hear it. “What do you mean?” He says trying to keep his cool. “Did you not hear anything I said out there? Or were you to concerned with your toy?” At this point you wanted to piss him off more because these thoughts of insecurity stem from him. “She isn’t a toy (Y/N)! What has gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?” Matt says his voice raising a bit. “It all makes sense now…” You says softly and Matt stops for a minute. “All the late nights you were out with her… Probably at some fancy restaurant pigging out while I -your almost fifteen year old daughter- buys groceries  and hopes you come home at night.” You sniffle. “I don’t ask you to do that.” Matt says. “I know but I do it because late at night is the only time I see you anymore.” You sniffle again. “Look I am not mad that you are dating someone it was just the timing…” You lift your head up to see your dads legs next to the bed. “…You find a chance at love when I’m not in the picture and I guess that’s okay. I just miss you and I want you around but you aren’t making an effort.” Matt stays silent as you talk trying to take in every word. “I feel like you don’t want me anymore. I understand that I took your college experience from you with me just being around, but I hate that it is present in this family now.”  You hear Matt gasp at your words. “(Y/N)… Sweetpea… You di-” “Were you out with her the night I got attacked? Were you at the bar with her and forgot that we were going to have dinner and watch movies and talk about the recent book I just read?”

You sob another round of tears making its way down your face. “(Y/N) No I-” “I am still sad at the thought that I have no mother but now I feel like I am losing a father too…” Matt takes in a breath to speak but again you cut him off. “I will leave you alone if that is what you want. I will eat in my room a-and try not to hog the shower in the mornings so you can get to work faster.” You say taking in more breath with each word. “I don’t need anything for my birthday and give me three more years and I will be gone.” “(Y/N) stop.” Matt finally cuts in but you keep going. “I’m sorry I keep making things difficult. I’m sorry I was born a girl and not a boy so you would have to deal with my hormones every month. I’m sorry that I was the reason mom left. I’m sorry for being born at al-” You get cut off by Matt “(Y/N) STOP!” He shouts and this causes you to go silent and let out a whimper.  Matt sighs and pauses for a minute.

Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Summary- (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.


You have been staying at Karen’s place for a two days so far. She offered her bed since it was a one bedroom apartment but you decided you were fine with the couch. You feel someone gently shaking you awake.

 "Hun? It’s time to wake up.“ You look up at Karen for a minute trying to gain your thoughts and surroundings, "Karen?” She nods. “What is it?” You ask sitting up slowly. “I know you don’t want to go home but I need to do something at work and I can’t leave you alone.” She says sadly. “Can I please stay?” You mumble under your breath. Karen pauses for a moment. “Hold on…” She walks into the kitchen area taking out her phone and making a phone call. You begin to fold your blanket putting it over the back of the couch and sit down waiting for her to return. Karen comes back and lowers herself to your level. “(Y/N)? Frank says he can watch you. I didn’t tell him about your situation but you know he will ask questions when he sees you.” She says cupping the side of your cheek. “Don’t worry about it Hun. He will be here in a few minutes.” You nod. “Can I take a shower?” You ask and she nods and you take your bag into her bathroom. You strip down and look at yourself. You never thought that you would see yourself bruised again but here you are. You have a big bandage on your nose and one on your lip. The bruises have settled in having a hand shape on your neck and on one of your eyes.  You sigh and step into the bathroom and begin washing up.

Frank walks into the apartment. “Hey Karen. You were vague on the phone.” He says being straight to the point. Karen sighs and sits on the couch and he sits next to her. “(Y/N) is under a lot of stress right now. Now don’t freak out when you see her it is her story to tell.” Franks eyes flash with concern. He waits for a follow up to that statement but nothing comes and he just sighs. Despite what he tells himself he has grown attached to you in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time. The familial feeling is nice but his fear gets the best of him but the tone in Karen’s voice when she talked about you has him on edge. There is a sudden crash from the bathroom which almost has Frank on his feet but then your voice from inside shouts. “Sorry! I dropped the shampoo!” He sighs in relief and Karen smirks. “What?” Frank asks. “What?” Karen responds. “What are you looking at me like that for?” Frank grunts and frown. “You feel the need to protect her and I find that sweet.” She smiles and Frank only scoffs. “You aren’t denying it~” Karen teases. “Shut up it should be natural instinct to be concerned for a child…” Karen only giggles and Frank looks at her for a moment taking in her face. The door opens to the bathroom and you step out wear a pair of (F/C) baggy pants as well as a T-Shirt followed by your favorite shoes. Franks face stays stoic while on the inside he is boiling. This is the second time he has seen you hurt and he is disturbed by the fact that some people out there do this on a regular basis. Despite that he stands up and grabs the guitar case. “Come on kid lets get going.” He looks back at Karen and says “See you in a bit Kare.” Karen smiles and nods before walking up to you and hugging you and kissing the top of your head. “I will see you soon okay?” You nod and start heading toward the exit with Frank following.

As you are walking down the streets of Hell’s Kitchen you can feel eyes on you. Frank is next to you sporting his usual hoodie and baseball cap . “Where are we heading?” You made sure to leave out his name for any ears that may be listening. “I can feel your anxiety from here kid so we are heading to my place. You have been there before if you remember.” He says lowly as to not cause attention. You nod “As long as you don’t make those awful ham sandwiches we’re good.” You say with a laugh as you head into the apartment building. You find yourself standing at the door of his apartment. “Are you gonna practice or not?” Frank asks and you quickly step inside. “Can I take off my shoes?” Frank nods and you do so and set them beside the door. Frank is already sitting in the living room tuning the guitar. You sit next to him and he hands it to you. “Now play ‘C’ , ’D’ , 'E’ , and 'F’ for me” Frank says and watches you.  You begin to play those chords and smirk as you begin to play them fluidly. “That’s good now add 'G’ between 'C’ and ’D’. You nod and begin doing that. You feel his eyes wonder your face and you sigh setting the guitar down beside you and  moving into a criss cross applesauce position. ” You are very obvious you know…“ You grumble and Frank chuckles. "That’s the point kid now tell me whose ass I need to kick.” He grunt. You turn your head down to your lap looking at your nails. “I wouldn’t let you kick his ass any way Frank. It was an accident.” Frank scoffs “Yeah right.” “Its the truth! My dad is blind and for some reason his hearing went out.” You cry out. “It was a fight or flight response and I don’t blame him…” You say your voice slowly trickling down into nothing.

“Then why are you sleeping at Karens house?” Frank asks in a less aggressive tone. “I guess I am just scared…” You mumble. “What are you scared of?” He asks and you shrug. “He already treated me different from the last time I got attacked and you saved me.” You sigh and look at Frank. “This time he is the one who attacked me and I don’t want him to get distant. I barely see him as it is at least when I had crutches he spent more time at home and now…” Your eyes begin to blur with tears. “He won’t want to spend time with me either.” You wipe your eyes and look away. The glimpse of what you saw on Franks face looked like sadness with a mix of something else that you can’t think of. “Well… My dad was around for a bit but he was always a honest and very blunt man.” Frank starts. “He was never one for small talk he wanted to get straight to the point.” Frank says bringing his hand down on his palm causing a loud clap to echo in the air. “Anyway what I am trying to say is you need to talk with your dad and tell him what is bothering you.” Frank says. You nod “I know I just get nervous… What if he doesn’t want me around anymore?” You ask looking up at him again. “Then he doesn’t want you around and he is a shit dad if he abandons you for something that is his fault.” Your eyes widen at his words. “But it-” “No it isn’t your fault. You tried to help and he reacted in the worst way possible.” Frank says giving you a hard stare. You sigh in defeat. “Okay…” Frank tosses you the remote from his side of the couch. “Put a movie on or something I got work to do.” He says standing up and walking to the kitchen table that had police scanners and papers with pictures scattered around. You chose not to question and argue so you put on (Y/F/M).

Marvel Masterlist
Series Masterlist

Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn’t have a regular life having a blind father. He can’t help with homework, Can’t give her a have a ride to school, He can’t see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.

Warnings: Violence towards the reader


It is well into the afternoon as you are walking home. Frank decided to keep the guitar to bring it back to Karen’s apartment so it would be quicker for you to walk home. You enter your apartment floor when you hear loud blood curdling screams which were slightly muffled by the sound of the walls. 

It is a wonder of how nobody else could hear it. You sprint to your door taking out your home key before jamming it into the lock and unlocking it. Not even bothering to shut the door as you run into the living room. You look upon the mess that he must have created in his fit seeing that there is a broken glass on the ground in a puddle of water, Ibuprofen tablets on the floor the table and chair seeming to have been knocked over when he stumbled and where he is sitting now is against the far wall away from the small hallway.  "Dad!“ you shout as you rush to his side. "Dad! Dad! Can you hear me?” All he does is continue to scream his head thrashing around as well as his arms flailing. You have never seen this level of fear come from him.

You look for an opening in his flailing to lay a firm hand on his shoulder. “Da-” Your hand is grabbed in a painful death grip as a punch lands its self on your throat leaving you to choke and gasp for breath. Your free hand reaches for your throat trying to catch your breath. Seemingly now more terrified that someone is here with him he goes in to full “Fight or Flight” mode landing another punch across the nose before pinning you down. “Dad!” You sputter as you can now feel blood dripping from your nose to your lips. His grip seems to tighten on your arm while raising his other hand to go in for another punch. You try and block your face the best you can but it is no use seeing as your block was weak it only succeeded into crashing your own fist into your face along with his. “Daddy please! Please!” You sob out reaching up and cupping his cheek. “Daddy please it’s me!” He seems to freeze in place. You drop your hand to your chest seemingly exhausted. “Daddy please.” You whimper out and sniffle as the blood from your nose gets sucked back into your lungs making you cough and sputter. “Sweet… Sweetpea?” Matt asks. “No… No, no, no, no Sweetpea I-” He rips his hand from your wrist which is now bruising and he gets up and away from you as fast as he can.

“No… No, no, no, no Sweetpea I-” I move away from her getting up stumbling. My mind is fogged as my eyes well up with tears as they pool down my face. My senses seem to clear as I can now smell the scent of her shampoo mixed with the perfume she always wears.  "(Y/N) I didn’t…“ I feel my feet carrying me toward where she last was only to hear a sob coming from her. "Honey please. You know I would never hurt you. P-Please don’t be scared.” I squat down to her level lifting my hand in her direction hoping for her to take my hand. “Please let me know you are okay Sweetpea…” The shuffle of clothes and the sound of her shoes run past me as I hear the slam of her bedroom door. This rips a sob from my throat as dark thoughts consume my head. ‘She’s scared of me.’ I can hear the sobs coming from her room. “N-no I-” My chest tightens as I search my pockets for my phone. 'Is this what a panic attack feels like?’ When I find it I press the power button. “C-Call Foggy.” I sniffle the ringing seems to go on forever until the ringing ends meaning Foggy didn’t answer. “Call Foggy!” The same repetitive ringing begins again only to be met with the same thing. “Call Foggy dammit!” I yell to the phone only to have it respond with “Karen… Karen… Kar-” I answer the phone “Oh Karen thank god” My breath seems to have left me.

“Matt whats going on? Me and Foggy are try-” “I need you to pick up (Y/N) Please. Please pick her up!” I beg and she responds “Is she okay what happened?” I just continue to stumble over my words my panic only rising as I speak. “Matt, Matt calm down I’m coming okay? I’m coming.” She says as the muffled voice of Foggy comes through. “Foggy I need to go I will be right back. I’m on my way Matt.” With that she hangs up. I’m shaking by the end my breath still caught in my throat. I walk over to (Y/N)’s door and gently tap with my knuckles. “(Y/N)… Sweetpea?” I get no response and find myself sliding down the wall next to her door. “I’m sorry (Y/N). I am so sorry.” My eyes feel irritated and my skin is prickled with goose bumps. “Karen is coming okay? She is going to take you for a bit… I will get sorted out okay? I will never hurt you again.” I say wiping my eyes. I don’t know how long I have been sitting there but I continue to say my apologies  "You are my little pea okay? I love you more then anything.“  As I say that I hear Karen’s footsteps enter the apartment.

"Matt? Oh my god Matt what happened?”  I feel her kneel down in front of me taking my hand in hers. “Check on her Karen. Check on (Y/N)… I really messed up Karen.” I place both my palms on my eyes and begin to rub them only irritating them further. “Okay. Okay I will check just tell me what happened.” I can hear Karen’s voice rise with panic. “Something happened… I suddenly lost my hearing and I freaked out. I-I hit her Karen. I hurt her really bad.” Just thinking about it tears a sob from my throat. “Oh god… Um okay I am going to check on her okay? I am going to take her with me like you asked.” I hear her stand up and slowly open and walk inside. I decide not to listen in on their conversation. All I do is focus on the sound of (Y/N)s heartbeat as I hear the tissues being torn from her bedside table which I can only assume would be for her nose. I hear the rustle of clothes being put in a bag as I hear the pair of footsteps  come close to the bedroom door. Everything else seems like a blur from that point on. I feel her (E/C) eyes on me and I can’t seem to face her. Their footsteps get farther and farther away as my apartment door shuts.
