#vivi yukino



MSA x Genshin Impact (again)

Decided to revisit this old crossover concept and did some redesigns +Shiromori (Mystery isn’t here yet because I haven’t decided if he’ll be a weekly boss as Murder Mystery or he’ll be fighting alongside Shiromori ✂️)

I also wrote their short skills and weapons under the cut, they’re not final tho, might revisit this later in the future

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Some drawings that I did … I think I did not share the one of arthur here… (again without translation)

poppychips: this happens at least once a weekpoppychips: this happens at least once a week


this happens at least once a week

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heilos: Happy 10 million views to Mystery Skulls Animated - The Future!Also happy birthday to MSA He


Happy 10 million views to Mystery Skulls Animated - The Future!

Also happy birthday to MSA Hellbent being posted! Thank you tagged posts for reminding me haha. Seriously though thank you so much to everyone who’s watched our videos so far (even multiple times). We can’t wait to continue things going into the next one with these characters. Cheers!

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