#vixx ravi au


Centuries Ch.8

This continued on for the months that followed. Any time Ryn needed to leave the village, Ravi would join. In the times away, she would switch between training him in tracking and how to handle the blade. Just like this trip, the sword felt heavy in his hand but the weight was becoming more and more familiar with each passing day. But as he barely managed to block her swing, sending him to the ground, a soft voice rasped, “At least you learn fast.”

Ravi stares at Ryn, eyes wide. “You…spoke?”

She rolls her eyes before swinging again. Ryn didn’t speak again that trip or even for a while after, but if she didn’t have his attention before, she certainly did now.


One night as Ravi served up the venison stew he made to the crew, he told the four of them his life in 2019, of the people he missed and world he knew. He also told them his actual name, preferring to go by Wonshik.

“You’re from 2020?” Berrin asks.

Wonshik’s brows furrowed, “Yeah?”

“Looks like we found our new recruit!” Leif and Berrin clank their wooden cups together, cheering.


“Everyone here is from around the world at different times. Neri, our chief, has been here the longest out of anyone. He was from Italy, studying Norse history at college before being teleported. No one knows why we’re chosen and not everyone that is teleported makes it to us. All we know is that we all usually come from years of 5. I’m from 2010. Berrin is from 1915 and Ryn is from 2015,” explained Leif.

Wonshik looks at them, his brain screaming that this was impossible and yet…it made sense. No one batted an eye at him when he first arrived and there was always a feeling of acceptance, aside from being forced to serve Ryn.

Later that night Wonshik snuck off to Leif house in search of answers. The older let him into the main room, the fire giving the room a dim glow.

“What’s this all about?” He asked with a tired sigh.

“Ryn spoke last time we went out. Has she always been able to speak?”

Leif’s eyes widen for a second before a small smile graces his lips. “It means that she’s really starting to trust you. Yes she can speak but it’s up to her when she does. It’s not my place to tell you her past but I will tell you this: It began after her Trial.”

“Her Trial?”

Leif nods, “It’s how you truly join the Clan and become one like us.”


Since then, he hasn’t been able to think of much. He looks down at Ryn who’s leaning close to the branch, arrow pulled back, ready to aim.

“I know you asked.”

“Huh?” Gasps Wonshik, caught off guard by the comment.

“There’s more to the Clan than meets the eye.”

“How so?”

Ryn looks up at him before looking back. Wonshik groans, “How am I to know if you won’t tell me?”

The arrow flies from her bow; A deer cries out in the distance. Without another word, she descends from the tree. Wonshik sighs again before trailing after her.

As he cleans the deer, Ryn reaches her arm out for a raven to land. Attached to its feet was a small piece of paper with only two words: Vidar Knows.

Ryn growls, “Shit.”
