#vnc confessions

“Veronica is such a Karen(if you don’t what this means search google for “Karen slang” and be enli

“Veronica is such a Karen (if you don’t what this means search google for “Karen slang” and be enlightened that Veronica is in fact a real life person)“

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“I headcanon Veronica as a straight cis woman. It’s funnier.“

“I headcanon Veronica as a straight cis woman. It’s funnier.“

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“A part of me hope Veronica will show up to retrieve Domi. Basically we are told in ch. 43 that she

“A part of me hope Veronica will show up to retrieve Domi. Basically we are told in ch. 43 that she knows Domi had some sort of accident that got her ill. She knows Domi behave in an unusual way and she probably noticed Domi is not recovering at the right speed. She knows something is wrong, there is no way she could be unaware of it. However I am also afraid of what mess she will cause if she goes to rescue Domi. She might attack Vanitas or, even worse, attack Misha before Vanitas cures Domi.“

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