#vnc luna


Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it and just a wonderful, cozy day to everyone who doesn’t

And a special merry Christmas to @asin-ka my partner for the @vncsecretsanta who wished for some Vanitas and parental Luna content. Hope you like it✨

 Since there won’t be any Where the Heart Belongs chapter this week, accept this modest offeri

Since there won’t be any Where the Heart Belongs chapter this week, accept this modest offering of an illustration of Vanitas’s past in the fic.

Post link

I mean it already has

But this chapter eviscerated me


Let’s start with this:


The first thing Noe does is look for Vanitas. Despite his wounds, he looks for him. And when he does there is no anger, no hate. Just two close companions that know they need to talk and sort things out. Vanitas knows Noe would come looking for him, so he stays put in the same spot where they’ve talked several times before; the rooftop. I think this shocks Noe, because this a far cry from the Vanitas who would hide away, afraid to talk about his problems or the conflicts he and Noe have. This is a Vanitas that knows he needs to talk with Noe, and will do so in order to keep their relationship alive. I’m so proud of Vanitas here.

Then I, as well as Noe, were shocked when this happened:


Mikhail appears, and I was scared that he would lash out at them, but no. He actually is calm and WANTS to talk. Honestly, in one panel, he looks so small. He looks like the sad, lonely child that misses the family he desperately wants back.


And Noe I think can sense this, even feeling guilt for Mikhail’s wounds. Because this is a person important to Vanitas, and he hurt them.

And here we learn what happened to Luna:


Luna had their name stolen, and was going to turn into a bloodthirsty monster, so Vanitas had to do what he did. Luna more then likely NEVER wanted that to be put on his shoulders, but Vanitas knew he had to rather then see the person he grew to love as a parental figure become something they never wanted to be. 

And he misses them. He misses what the three of them had, and would do anything to get it back. However, we and especially Vanitas know that life doesn’t work that way.


I believe Mikhail is offering to end Vanitas’ life, maybe so they can all be together in death.

But Vanitas, so moved by Noe’s words and Noe as a person, says this:


“If I can choose my way to die, if I can have a wish, if I am going to be killed…

I wantNoéto do it.”

This is POWERFUL. Vanitas, who couldn’t bare to make connections with anyone, now trusts Noe so much that he will entrust him with this wish. It may be a horrible wish, but for someone like Vanitas to share this with Noe, something that is between them, it speaks louder then the words he just spoke.


And Noe cries. Because the last time someone asked for this they were ripped from his grasp. He doesn’t want to loose anymore people he cares about, people he loves, but he knows how much this wish means to Vanitas. He knows that now he will be able to at least say goodbye. And he cries.

Mikhail can’t understand. He doesn’t understand why Vanitas needs anyone else, why he would trust other people. Why Vanitas won’t just come with him and be a family again. 


So he cries. He cries for the time they lost, the time they will never get back, and the time they’ll never have again. 


And he says goodbye to the brother he loves, both knowing that this will be the last time they will ever speak to each other so peacefully. This honestly made me tear up, because the two of them deserve so much more then the hand they were given, yet fate pulls them apart like this.


Then Noe and Vanitas talk. They talk like they always have, like the two we’ve all grown to love. 


“I gave up. Making you do as I wish.”

Noe just looks absolutely adorable help this boy has too muCH POWER-


“Yes…I also won’t change…
Vanitas. Let’s go.


Noe asked in the beginning ‘What is love?”

Thisis love Noe. What you feel for Vanitas, what Vanitas feels for you, what the two of you would do for each other despite everything that’s happened. You reaching your hand out, to be the sun when he is surrounded by rain clouds. Talking, bickering, laughing with each other, and being by his side.

That is love.
