#vol the daily grind



it had been a few months since they were able to mingle with the other trainees. as time went on, it became a little more obvious as to why the same number of girls were somehow nowhere to be found at any given moment of the day aside from meals. all suspicions were confirmed once teasers were dropping. at least by then none of them would get fired or kicked off for saying yes once their teaser is out.

sometime between the month where they were finally allowed to mingle with other trainees again and right before their debut, trc picked up new blood. sohee had noticed something about trc really taking advantage of this surge of interest in the company. they had done auditions in the mean time that k.arma was getting ready to drop. there were new people walking in trc’s halls. sohee didn’t want to be rude. with the few days of official trainee status left, she wanted to at least greet them.

the confused expression on the girl’s face is valid for multiple reasons. sohee doesn’t question her. she was, however, surprised by the girl’s usage of sunbae. despite being most of the company’s sunbae, it’s rare for any of them to address her as such. now that she was debuting in a few days, she would be everyone’s sunbae and it would be rude not to call her as such.

“i just wanted to say hi!” she confesses with a wide smile. “i know i won’t be around much soon but i wanted to make sure you’re adjusting well here and you know your way around. i’d hate for you to get lost and most of us will be gone in may.” though it was nearly four years ago, she remembered being sleepy and overwhelmed with the sheer amount of physical demand training brought all at once. there wasn’t any ease into it. it was just training every single day without break.

“i can also hang out with you for the day. make sure you’ve got your bearings.”

she keeps her eyes focused blankly on the girl sitting in front of her out of sake of politeness, but honestly jei just wishes that she could have kept to herself.  she won’t mention it aloud though for fear of hurting a sunbae’s feelings, and moreover to save herself the trouble that could cause down the line if she happened to rub someone with that much more experience than her in the company the wrong way.  jei’s no stranger to making people angry with her behaviour, but at the very least, she’s always polite about it.  this time though, she’s just not interested in pissing off a senior  -  much less one that’s due to debut in just a few days.

in reality, jei didn’t know that there was even a group that was supposed to drop from trc anytime soon considering she didn’t keep up with entertainment news from the big five after the mgas  -  even before the mgas, honestly.  keeping up with that kind of information wasn’t really her cup of tea, but now that she’s part of the company it’s almost obligated that she know by now.  that, and it’s kind of hard to miss with the ads for k.arma hanging around the building everywhere she turns.  she’d be stupid not to recognize the face of chojin even if she hadn’t met her before.

either way, jei found herself surprised for just a moment that the soon to be idol even had time to talk with the new blood, but just as quickly as the surprise came, it left her with another carefully crafted neutral mask behind in its wake.  though jei has to admit, she’s not really sure why the other girl looks surprised herself  -  is it really that odd for people to call their seniors as they are in trc?

“ oh …” she trails off, tucking some of her hair back behind her ear.  it’s not what she expected, and even still jei isn’t sure that the other girl really has the time to be spending walking her around the company just to make sure she didn’t go into the wrong room or something.  not to mention while it may be a big building, jei thinks that she has the main and most important rooms down at the very least.  " you don’t really have to do that.  i know you must be busy with preparing.“  she pauses.  ” but thank you, though.  it’s nice that you wanted to.“
