#voltron ice pop


My (idiotic) Voltron Ice Pop theories

1. Galra vs Humans or Kurons vs Humans pls no

2. Aliens and humans get imprisoned by the Galra? The surroundings look like a prison.

1. James and Keith confront each other. Hopefully, James explains why he was a jerk to him. Or something happened to James and Keith is actually comforting him?

2. Coran talks to Keith about love since Coran’s pan and all

3. Coran is evil and Keith has to kill him.

4. Adam and Keith talk about Shiro. Adam confirms that it’s over with Shiro and it’s okay for Keith to be with Shiro.

1. Keith, Lance and Hunk perform something together (like they sing and/or dance on stage, probably in the other filler episode of the season)

2. They go on an epic mission together and it’s badass and they call themselves the Primary Colors.

3. Their bodies are stuck to each other and they have to figure out how to separate themselves from one another.

4. They form a new form of Voltron with just their Lions (could be a Dairugger reference)

1. Shiro vs Sendak (and one of them is down) or Shiro vs Lotor. or Sendak vs Lotor. I hope to God it’s not Shiro vs Haggar. I really think it’s Shiro vs Sendak because they have some serious beef to settle with each other

2. Lotor kills Haggar like in GoLion (that would mean he kills both his parents in VLD… that’s too dark for a kid’s show)

3. I hope nothing happens to Krolia.

1. Keith gets shot like in GoLion (or he just gets badly injured) along with Hunk or Coran OR ROMELLE, and Shiro’s not there cuz he’s off to get the baddie >:( with Krolia and the doggo hopefully.

2. Keith and James fight (the other Paladins are spectators) and Keith wins.

3. Keith had to kill evil Coran so he’s burying him :,(

4. They visit Keith’s dad’s grave together.

1. Pidge gets forcefully captured by the Galra… probably Haggar because she’s amazed that Pidge could overcome Kuron’s hacking in ‘The Black Paladins’. And Lance tries to save her but…?

2. Pidge sacrifices herself for the team and Lance finds it hard to accept, but he has no choice.

3. My sis said the green one could be Allura or Romelle since they can shape shift.

1. Keith also gets captured by the Galra OR he trades places with Pidge

2. Keith, Krolia and Shiro go on a mission together?
