#von rothbart


Guess it’s the last thing i post this year cuz i have exams going on

But I thought

If you combine Rothbart in his human form and his beast disguise

You get the full beard

Rothbart without Odile is not Rothbart

I actually kind of regret they didn’t put her in the movie

Can you imagine what kind of dynamic these two could have, taken how they wrote Rothbart??

How it could influence all the stuff with Odette??

What dynamic could Odile and Odette possibly have???

You know, even though i think he’d rather wish a son as a heir initially, i believe he could actually be a really nice father

In spite of the fact that the complicated situation in which he once found himself, the difficulties that came with it, and some aspects of his nature have certainly affected her character

Oh man, I really gotta finally settle and sort all the stuff in my head, there’s so much going on


Everyone was young once, right?

In fact, I’ve been thinking why didn’t they make any differences in their designs depending on the time period

I mean, when Odette was born, they looked the same as when she was 19 (or so)

So i came to conclusion that i have to draw the younger versions of them just to get it out of my mind haha

Rothbart with hair is something far beyond any good and evil

Shaggy wolf

Speaking of him, I’ve found out that he, in fact, was William’s chancellor

Im not 100% sure but some sources say he is. Even if he’s not, he’s, in fact, a Lord, some kind of nobility, probably high-ranked, or probably a knight since he is referred as Sir in some sources, and it’s already much enough but

A god damn chancellor

Chancellor in medievals is the second-place person in the whole damn kingdom

It’s a king’s right hand

Considering he was around 30 years old when he was banished, and was likely to already maintain this position for at least a couple of years, it’s truly amazing how he managed to take such a high place by such a young age.

Along with this, the fact that he grew from using potions and other basic improvised means to a merlin-like god level witchcraft in just 19 years makes me think of him as of a very, very richly gifted man, really

And him being chancellor gives a much darker tone to the story actually, considering how many of the main characters knew him and that for some of which he was close even;

and that, with his smartness and insight, he was likely to be a boon for the kingdom
