#vore roleplay


New mini series coming to my patreon. Gonna be me documenting my appetite and meals I’ve swallowed and showing off the aftermath for you to enjoy as if I really swallowed someone (which I did) Let’s just keep this one secret between us

My Belly Stuffing Journal: Day 12 Vore Belly Roleplay Fetish

Vore belly stuffing stuffer stuffers roleplay fetish fetishes
Hello my fellow vore and belly stuffing lovers! You’re in for a special treat today with this new vore roleplay video. The video starts off with me burping a ton and showing you my empty, thin belly because I am so starving.  Like a true giantess should, I almost tread on you with my giant foot.      I then proceed to eat you and gobble you down, yum yum yum:-    And to finish off, I lick my lips…

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Hello everyone I find vore and stuffing my belly  really sexy.  I love just stuffing my face and eating so much that I can barely walk and my belly hurts.  Having a full belly gives me great sexual pleasure.  Today’s super sexy video is mega hot and is a vore special edition.    It starts off woth me absolutely starving.  My stomach is flat and completely empty because I’m so hungry.  However,…

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Firstly to apologise for my absence- I have a job and have been busy lately.

For today’s sexy video, I have produced a vore Roleplay video where I eat lots of tiny people, like these:-

During this video, I burp, lick my lips and fingers, in anticipation of eating you:-


And I scoff you down:-


And I generally tell you how I feel very satisfied with my huge belly:-


I also have a lie down to rest myself after eating so many people, and the camera follows my belly from this aspect too:

The video is over 10 minutes long and is narrated most of the way through, and is $2.99 for a 30 day rental, or $9.99 for a lifetime purchase. It finishes off with me retching and burping bent over with lots of heaving, although there is no vomiting.

[gumroad id=”qtoXa” text=”Purchase Item” type=”embed” wanted=”true” ]

Speaking of roleplay, I also wanted to share an inflated belly Roleplay I did with someone.  Please note this is not the same roleplay as in the video:-

Guy: *I am coming into the bathroom. You are already there, looking into the mirror *

“Good morning Sweetie ❤ ”

Me: “Good morning”

Guy: “Your belly looks Small right now. Lets try and get it big.”

Me: “Oh yes! Do you have a hose?”

Guy: “Yes I have” *I pull down your pants and your underpants *

Me: *I stick my bum out*

Guy: *I push the hose into your asshole and turn on the water *

Me: “Make sure the connection is airtight, otherwise they’ll be water all over the floor”

Guy: “Wow. Look at your belly. It is growing very fast now!”

Me: “It’s getting huge! I’ve never seen it this big! It’s stretching so much!”

Guy: “You already looks like you are 12 Months pregnant. Can I touch it?”

Me: “You can touch it but be careful. It think it might explode. It’s ginormous!”

Guy: *I sit back behind you and grab after your hands and rub it softly *

Me: “Have you ever seen a belly this big?”

Guy: “No, but you are doing a very good job, by getting that big and looking wonderful.”

Me: “Thanks. The water is still pouring in. I’m not sure how much more I can take!”

Guy: “Just try it out. Dont worry. I am with you”

Me: *worried looking face* “Ok, but it’s never been this big before!”

Guy: *I Kiss you on the mouth *   “I want to hear the water flowing into your belly”

Me: “Ah yes! Put your ear to the side of my belly then”

Guy: “Lovely! I can hear it sloshing. Okay. I think that is your limit now.” *I pull the hose out of your asshole *

Me: “I was getting worried there. I thought I was going to puke or something.”

Guy: “You are even bigger Then any pregnant girl I had ever Seen before”

Me: “Thanks – yes I’m huge. Massive belly with tiny arms and legs!”

Guy: *I rub your belly softly and jiggle it up and down * *I pull down my pants and my underpants too. We make sweet sexy love.*


So, I hope you enjoyed this role play. I know we certainly did!

Don’t forget to buy my vore role play video and follow me on:

Mytwitter page

Myinstagram account

Add me as a facebook friend.
Have yourself a good day.

Love from Jessica x

My Belly Stuffing Journal: Day 10 Vore Video and Bloated belly roleplay Hello!! Firstly to apologise for my absence- I have a job and have been busy lately.

My Belly Stuffing Journal: Day 9 Vore Roleplay special

Hello everyone Here’s me sending my vore love out to you all. Just recently I was doing some vore roleplay with someone, and I thought I might like to share with you how it went. This was me before the Roleplay started:- Here I am during:- And this was me after:- Basically just to set the scene, I come across my victim as he’s competing in a hotdog eating contest. I was watching and getting…

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