#voyager fic



In an unforeseen twist of events I have written my first Janeway/Chakotay fic since exactly 365 days ago, when I posted my last contribution to @25daysofvoyager

I can’t thank my dear @ariella884 enough for giving me a reason to get back to my eternal OTP. Although “to Lose the earth” did help a bit as well. ;) 
I hope you like the part of your Christmas gift that isn’t stuck on a boat across the Atlantic. ;) 

Big, big thanks to @wishful-thinker-87 for offering a bit of a Christmas miracle by providing the exact words I needed to hear. Thank you, my dear. <3 


Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Summary: A missing scene to be added to page 239 of Kirsten Beyer’s “To Lose the Earth”
Location:rightHERE one Ao3


I hope you all get to enjoy the holidays as best as possible.
Stay safe, stay home, read fanfic. <3

Eeeek!! I’m so excited!! @killermanatee , there’s nothing I love more than you writing JC in the relaunch universe!! Thank you for this gift!!!


Goodbye 2020!  My Favorite Voyager Fics by Month

Just like last year and the year before that, I challenged myself to pick one memorable fic I read from each month of the year.  As always this was extremely challenging.  I go month by month on A03 and make a google doc of all the fics I enjoyed during the month.  Then I narrow it down to one fic per month to post here.  Every year I tell myself I’m going to branch out and read different pairings, but yet again most of these are J/C, I will note when they are not.  I hope you enjoy!

And there you have it!  My 2020 list.  Hope you enjoy reading as you are hunkered down for some social distance holidays.

Also please tag those I didn’t link to tumblr if they have accounts!

Oh my!! @arcadia75 !!! I am speechless!! Thank you so much for including my fic (the only one I wrote this year even) in this list!

And such a great list, including some I haven’t read yet! Guess I have to add to my ‘to read’ list!!
