#waddles and grapes are moving



I won’t be online much for a around a month because: I’m moving! Wish me luck, guys! We’ve been trying to do this for well over 6 years now, and we’ve finally done it Grapes and I will keep everyone updated! Until then, Watts will still be posting pictures to keep everyone entertained. He’s excited for me, and can’t wait to come see the new house when he gets to come visit. -Waddles

Update time

Grapes and I will be moving next week!!! We’re so excited, we can’t wait to post pics at the new house! We’re packing like maniacs right now, so there still won’t be any piggy pics posted for a short while. We’ll post as soon as possible once we get settled in, thank y'all so much for waiting! -Waddles

Hai guys!

I’d just like to let y'all know that until around the end of the month, Waddles and I will be very busy packing, cleaning, and moving houses. Our family is finally buying our first house, and we’re all so excited! Until then, I’ll keep y'all updated, but I won’t have enough time to be taking and/or posting pics of Waddles or Watts until around late March to early April. Thanks for reading, I’ll post pics of Waddles at the new house asap, and possibly with me! -Grapes

I won’t be online much for a around a month because: I’m moving! Wish me luck, guys! We’ve been trying to do this for well over 6 years now, and we’ve finally done it Grapes and I will keep everyone updated! Until then, Watts will still be posting pictures to keep everyone entertained. He’s excited for me, and can’t wait to come see the new house when he gets to come visit. -Waddles

The new house is so spacey! It takes a long time for a tiny piggy like me to travel around it. Luckily, Grapes is here to help me around faster! -Waddles
