





dean had a habit. anytime he saw a trenchcoat in a store, he bought it for cas. not that cas needed anymore; but on the off-chance cas tore a hole in one of his coats or got it stained in blood, dean liked to buy the angel new ones to use. It started as a lil inside joke, “just in case you need another one” dean had said the first time he got cas a backup trenchcoat. cas has tilted his head, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion at the item being held out to him. “it’s a gift, cas. you’re meant to take it” and cas gave him a lopsided smile with a soft “thank you dean” as he held onto the new trenchcoat. after that, whenever dean held out a new coat for cas to take, cas would let his fingers ghost against dean’s as he took the gift from dean’s hand with a soft smile and a murmured “it’s perfect, thank you.”

the habit is still there even after cas is taken by the empty. dean keeps buying trenchcoats, gently walking into cas’ room and laying them across cas’ bed with soft touches as he smoothes down the wrinkles. “got you a new trenchcoat today,” dean says out loud to the still air of the bedroom, picking up a tie and gently tucking it between the lapels. “I saw it and thought of you. It’s got good pockets too, specifically for that angel blade of yours,” dean murmurs, eyes glazing over as the tears starts to burn. walking towards the door, dean lingers with his hand on the light-switch. “I hope you like it, cas” and then, even quieter “I miss you.”

#wahhhhhhhhh    #whyyyyy    #destiel    