#wall of text


Hey everyone. Sorry I’ve been MIA for more than 6 months. Probably nearing a year.I just haven’t been able to make a complete illustration of my own for a long time. 

I haven’t created anything I’m happy with.

I managed to finish some things for commissions and zines, but when I was left to create on my own, I couldn’t do anything. And everytime I started something, I would eventually have an emotional breakdown and I couldn’t finish it. Even when doing commissions and zine work, I ended up stopping in between drawing because I wasn’t satisfied with anything I did. 

You start to realize something is wrong when you are in the middle of doing lineart and you start crying because you hate how bad it looks. 

I needed a brief break because I was clearly overdoing it. But the brief break ended up becoming a long hiatus, because I couldn’t produce anything.And whatever I did make just wasn’t good enough or was incredbly ugly. Even now, that feeling hasn’t changed.

But I miss posting stuff and I miss having fun with art. So I’m slowly easing myself back into it. 

A few people have messaged me asking if I’m doing ok. I appreciate those messages. But I’m hoping those who messaged me can be patient with me a little longer. 

There’s no good excuse why, it’s just that I’ve been feeling so depressed that I can’t bring myself to properly talk to anyone anymore. I can give brief answers to quick questions or reply when it’s super important. But in any other case, I just can’t think of anything to say.

I usually hate posting about personal stuff like this. But it’s only right to let those following me know why I’ve been MIA. And that way if I ever do it again, there’s an explanation why. 

I’ll try to start posting again. The reason I’m posting this now is becasue I finally finished something. I was really scared about posting it because I still didn’t like it that much, but I need to get over that feeling at some point.

I think I need to start posting again so I can get my inspiration back and make art like I used to. 

Anyway, I’m sorry everyone.   

From the diary of The General Manager of Catastrophe

I have a slight feeling this could be my offical title. Day 4: Thursday I wake up really early and think about skipping this day completely. I can’t. I sigh and run down to start the workflow. I leave my chef the note that I am at the hairdresser’s next door is he comes before I am back. I get a free haircut from a young lady who is still training. My hair is weirdly straight. I pass the key to…

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Wall of text incoming, but I’ll put a keep reading thing.  Everything in this post is just based on my observations from playing the game, and my opinions.

Anyways, I’ve played the game a ton now, got most of the endings (that I care about), as well as several of the secrets and whatnot.  Been looking at a lot of the stuff in the game and whatnot.  First off, I wanna say this…I love the fandom stuff I’m seeing, especially with Freddy and Sun being buddies.  It’s adorable and heartwarming.

Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen in the game, this sadly isn’t the case.  If anything, I feel like Sun/Moon are much more like outcasts/black sheep than friends with any of the others.

The first thing I noticed about this actually comes from Freddy.  When it comes to the other animatronics, he calls them all friends and speaks friendly of them, including DJMM.  Even Vanessa (at first) he’s friendly with.  But he never talks like that about Sun/Moon.  He doesn’t even call them by their names, they’re just the Daycare Attendant to him, and that they’re hostile.  So truthfully, I don’t think Sun/Moon actually have any friends at the pizzeria (maybe DJMM, since we don’t get to hear much about him).  Sun/Moon’s area is off to the side, out of the main area, so probably doesn’t even get to see the other animatronics much.

One of the secrets in the game is finding the Balloon Boy World arcade game…it’s mentioned in notes that it’s missing.  Where it went tho, is into the room that’s part of the balcony that Sun jumps off of.  What this room specifically is, is hard to tell, cause it’s behind a door that’s behind a poster that has some weird requirements to open.  I think, originally, this room was just a storage room, but Sun/Moon might’ve taken it over for their own personal private quarters.  The room has several broken STAFF bots and pieces of endos in it, possibly from the storage.  But there’s also a lot of plushies, some children’s toys, and several drawings on the walls, plus the missing arcade game.  The room is an absolute mess, which kinda contradicts what you see with Sun/Moon in the daycare, however I wonder if it’s a mess cause it’s a relief for them to not have to clean something up.

I have a feeling in the daycare it’s just constant clean up with the kids, and the private room is a getaway from it.  As to why the arcade is in there, I wonder if Sun/Moon took it, maybe cause they’re in it.  There’s also a lot of artwork of the other animatronics in there, but none of Sun/Moon.  Perhaps they’re having wishful thoughts.  I think they feel lonely, hence why all the artwork and plushies.  Even the broken STAFF bots and endos could be part of it.  Yeah, I’m sure they make friends with all the kids the best they can, but they don’t really have anyone to just talk to.

Sadly you don’t really get to see Sun again to get a better feel for him unless you try to go into the daycare again (in which case, he keeps you out).  I dunno how far Sun is allowed to wander from the daycare, since the farthest we see him go is to put banned signs on the doors to the daycare.  Maybe Sun isn’t allowed to leave his area, but Moon just doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Which leads me to wondering about Moon.  Why did they make him so aggressive?  There’s a note that talks about one of the kids being unable to sleep with the lights off anymore, so this isn’t a that new of a development with Moon.  Even Sun knows how mean Moon can get.  And maybe Moon is the reason why the other animatronics don’t like them.  Moon even attacks Freddy and drags him to parts and services…I dunno if that’s just part of his programming of kids being up past their bedtime or what, but man he just dropped Freddy.  I do wonder if Moon being like this is because of Vanny and the glitch.  I feel like Moon would’ve originally been a quieter more mellow version of Sun, but someone messed with his programming.

Ok, onto some less depressing thoughts lol.  The change between Sun and Moon I think is kinda interesting, especially the color change.  I don’t think they’re moving panels or anything like that.  I think it’s just a straight up color change, perhaps related to heat.  There’s some high tech stuff in that facility and color changing wouldn’t be that hard.  The only thing to figure out is where the hat goes, and they probably have a compartment to store that in.

I also feel sorry for any staff in the daycare area at the end of shift, cause Sun is probably covered in all sorts of things, including the glitter glue and googly eyes, plus who knows what else from snotty kids.

Random thing, when I look at Sun/Moon’s textures in game, especially on their arms, it almost seems like they’re made out of wood (I highly doubt they are tho).  Just a neat texture.  I also love that Sun’s rays on his head are on like springs and bounce in and out when he’s moving around, or grabbing his head.  It’s just a nice touch.

Anyways, I probably had more thoughts, but I’m just being a bit frazzled right now.  These are just observations and thoughts of mine, not to be taken seriously.


Didn’t want to leave my loyal following in the dark so here’s an update on a pipedream set in the worx. Decided to test my 3d modeling skills with something out of my comfort zone. With that said, this thing is unnecessarily and stupidly high poly. Pushing the 10k poly markBUT IT’S PRETTY!! and that’s all that matters right ?! *pc explodes*…. Yea, anyway, I had alotta fun recoloring. Here’s some of my combos.. most of which ripped off google images because I have no originality. Hopefully, for my sake and yours this set will release soon. If I could quit my job and do this full time, I would..

annnd I just realised I forgot to make the pillow. Set postponed until further notice. Abort mission.

full res:


About 800 years ago I was tagged by @kurogoesinthedas for some OC facts, thank you so much! :D Since I’ve talked about my sweet Inky McArseface here before, allow me to share one of my other babies.


1. Lumi is a former Dalish elf turned city elf. After his clan mysteriously disappeared on him, leaving nothing but a torn-up camp where they’d once been, he retreated to the nearest city to survive. (Did something horrible happen to them? Did they just move on and forget him? Is it Home Alone: Thedas Edition? To this day, Lumi isn’t sure.)

2. Lumi isn’t a mage… or is he? No, he isn’t, but he adores magic and thinks it’s the coolest thing. While he’s but a simple rogue, he does have the perfect skill set for learning sleight-of-hand tricks/close-up “magic.” Think card tricks and producing a coin from your ear. Not enough to fool an actual mage, but get a few drunks in a dark corner of a tavern and they might be briefly convinced.

This is now part of his scheme to beg for coins on the street from impressionable humans: “Hello, it is I, the magical, mystical Dalish, come to delight your senses!”

Lumi loves to be mistaken for a mage and will cheerfully play along with the impression that he is one… much to actual mages’ chagrin, one might expect. Although:

3. Lumi has had the templars called on him seven times.

Unfortunately, “but I’m not really a mage!” is exactly what an undercover apostate might say…

One time he ceased his protests and let them take him all the way to the Circle. When it was finally discovered that he wasn’t actually a mage, a frustrated templar punched him in the face, busting up his nose into its current shape.

“Ah, now, that’s from when I was taken to the Circle,” he solemnly tells people about his broken nose. Literally no one believes him.

4. Lumi doesn’t drink… But he pretends to! (Yes, “dishonest front” is a theme with this one.) He’s the guy refilling empty bottles with water and carrying those around. (A holdover from the days of trying to swindle people out of a few coins – helps when you’re secretly the only sober person in the room…)

With Dorian’s sophisticated intervention, it’s discovered that Lumi actually has an exceptional palate… and is simultaneously the biggest lightweight on the entire planet.

5. He has the most ridiculously expressive face. Somehow even the game has picked up on this for me. I don’t know how he does it.


I AM TAGGING: literally anyone who is reading this and wants to share some facts about their OCs. Please do it, I love OC facts!
