#wally west x batsis


Warnings: Language, bits of angst, bits of fluff, Dick is no longer a dick.

Masterlist Part One

Word Count: 3.2K

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A/N: HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT I WOULD LEAVE YOU ALL HANGING LIKE THAT?! I can not stand when things don’t get a proper ending so I had to make one before I even posted part one. This has been sitting in my drafts for a week now, just waiting until the right moment when you all thought that this was never going to happen. 

Well guess what?

It did.

In the weeks that passed, you didn’t see Wally. Choosing to return to Gotham for a while, you moved back into the Manor to see the other people you considered family. Like usual, Jason came and went every so often mainly just to say hi to you and the other gremlins walking around now.

Bruce not only adopted you, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, and Damian, but now he took in another kid; Duke. Duke was the newest official addition to the Wayne family, with Steph and Barbara almost sisters to you. It had been almost two years since you last actively resided in Wayne Manor, with Duke moving in somewhere in the middle there. Even then, Duke could tell something was up between you and Dick. If Duke could tell, everyone else was painfully aware.

Growing up, you and Dick were attached at the hip. Bruce had gray hairs from all the times he tried to separate the two of you, and now you refused to be in the same room as him. You weren’t sure if he knew you broke up with Wally, not having checked in with either of them to find out.

Knowing you and Dick the second and third-longest, Jason and Tim took it upon themselves with the gentle prodding by Duke, Damian, Cass, and Steph. And by gentle prodding, it was more of an intervention they staged and threatened bodily harm if neither of them managed to fix what was going on with you and Dick.

Having drawn the shortest straw, Jason stood outside your door. Apparently, neither he nor Tim wanted to be the one to confront you about what was going on. Sure Dick had the scarier temper, but you were more likely to throw a fucking chair at their head when provoked.

Maybe it was better Jason drew the short straw; if you threw a chair he would be the one to survive it compared to Tim and his lanky complexion.

Raising his hand to knock, Jason rapped his knuckles against the door twice before waiting on a response. Moments passed and Jason knocked again, this time hearing your voice waft through the crack under the door.

“Go away Tim or I’ll chuck a fucking chair at your head.”

“If the Joker couldn’t kill me, I don’t think a chair would,” he called.

There was silence before you spoke again. “What do you want?”

“Is it so wrong for a guy to want to talk to his big sister?”

“Fine, get your ass in here before I change my mind.”

Jason let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea. Poking his head in through the door, he watched for any flying objects to come his way before fully entering your room.

From what he could see, you haven’t left it in days. There was a stack of dishes off to the side for when Alfred came and took them to the kitchen. Your bed was unkempt, the curtains closed with clothes and items strewn across it.

“Y/N?” he asked, looking around for you.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move in the shadows and noticed you were curled up in the corner on the floor. Dropping his defensive act, Jason let out a sigh before walking over towards you.

Taking a seat next to you, Jason leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. “So,” he started. “You going to tell me what happened between you and Dickhead or am I going to force it out of you?”

Shrugging, you just curled into the warmth of his body and stayed silent.

“We all know something happened, you won’t even look at him. I’m supposed to be the moody one and right now the two of you are taking my vibe. I need it back.”

That got a reaction out of you. Snorting a laugh, you wiped your eyes. “Oldest daughter rights, I get to take your shit.”

Jason huffed and pulled you close. “Come on, talk to me. I can’t go kick his ass for you if I don’t know what happened.”

Licking your lips, you fiddled with your hands. “How much did you know about me–me and Wally?” you had to force his name out of you without sniffing.

“Wally? Is that what this is about? That ginger idiot?”

“Jason please,” you muttered.

Sensing that you weren’t in a joking mood, Jason cleared his throat. “I knew that you three were all pretty close, but not much more than that. Why?”

Taking a deep breath, you looked towards the window. “Wally and I dated for a couple of months,” you admitted.

Jason was still confused, what did you dating Wally have to do with Dick’s mood?

“And Dick wasn’t happy about it.”

Now Jason was really confused, if you were happy why wasn’t Dick?

As if you could hear his thoughts, you answered his unasked questions. “Dick didn’t approve, said he didn’t trust Wally to date me. He even went as far as giving Wally a choice, me or their friendship. Wally didn’t want to choose–”

Jason watched as you paused for a breath and connected the dots. “So you chose for him.”

Things were starting to make sense, and it’s a good thing he was due for a trip to Bludhaven anyway. Seemed he needed to knock some sense into his dear older brother while he was in town.

Trying not to let his anger out, Jason wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held you while you cried in his jacket. This was fucking ridiculous, of all people Wally was the one Dick didn’t trust with you? He really needed to go down and knock some sense into the both of them, but right now you needed him more and so he stayed.


Dick sat in his old room in Titans Tower, Bludhaven was too close to Gotham and Midwest City. It felt like he was suffocating between the two cities and needed to get away, hence why he was in Jump City tossing a ball on his bed.

He hadn’t seen you or Wally since the last meeting when he told Wally his reasoning. Dick wasn’t unreasonable, all he wanted was to protect his sister and he couldn’t trust Wally not to hurt you.

What he didn’t expect was the two of you to completely cut contact with him. Maybe he was too harsh, but you were his sister. What else was he supposed to do?

Dick was brought out of his thoughts at the rushed knock on his door. Looking at it quizzically, he knew it couldn’t be any of the other members. The only one still in town right now was Kori and she was downtown shopping, needing some much-needed alone time as she put it.

“It’s open.”

The door swung open and in walked Tim with a very unhappy look on his face.

“Tim what’s going–”

“What the fuck Dick?”

Blinking slowly, Dick sat up on his bed and watched his younger brother continue to glare at him.

“I don’t–”

“You have got to be the biggest idiot I know, and I’m best friends with Bart and Conner.”

Okay, safe to say that one hurt. But what did Dick do that had Tim so pissed at him.

“Making Wally and Y/N choose between each other and you? You have got to be kidding me. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

How did Tim find out about that?

“Jason called and told me after I spent two hours waiting outside your apartment in Bludhaven. Thanks for the note by the way.”

Wait, if Jason knew that meant–

“Y/N told him what happened, and you’re lucky you’re all the way out here or Jason would be kicking your ass into a grave.”

“Tim, you don’t understand,”

Tim scoffed. “Oh please, tell me what I do not understand about your ruining Y/N’s relationship because you didn’t approve?”

When he put it that way, it made Dick sound like a complete asshole.

“Wally is notorious for playing women, I didn’t want her to get hurt.”

“Oh, like how you can come across sometimes?” Tim snapped. “She broke up with him by the way, to save your fucking friendship and make you happy.”

Dick sat there in silence, was it true you really broke up with Wally because of him? Could that be why you’ve been avoiding him recently? Slumping where he sat, Dick was lost in thought.

If he got what he wanted, then why wasn’t he happy?

“It takes a special kind of asshole to ruin their sister’s relationship because you weren’t happy with it.”

Did Tim really have to word it like that? But he had a point, what kind of asshole does that to his own sister? He should have seen what his behavior was doing to not just her but–

No fuckign wonder Wally stopped talking to him. Dick really fucked this up, not only did he push away his sister but his best friend and there was a good chance neither of them was going to forgive him.

Dropping his head in his hands, Dick let out a sigh. He had to fix this and fast before it was too late.

Tim watched as Dick sprung up from the bed with a new look of determination, and crossed his arms.

“Tim, I’ve gotta go fix this.”

“Well, as luck would have it Wally just walked in the front doors. I don’t think he knows you’re here, or he would have walked around the building until you left.”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“Because I’m smart enough to know not to ruin my sibling’s relationships.”


“You kind of deserve it.”

Dick didn’t disagree. Deciding to not push his luck and hug Tim, Dick instead took off for the lower floors hoping to catch Wally before he picked up on the fact Dick was there. Running down the halls, he smashed the elevator button desperate to make it move faster.

Hearing it, the doors opened oh-so-slowly to reveal Wally was waiting inside.

Seeing Dick stare at him with a shocked look, Wally quickly pushed the close button but not before Dick stood in the doorway.

“Wally listen–”

“No, I’m done fucking listening to you, Dick. Did you know Y/N heard every word you said to me? She broke up with me so I wasn’t the one to hurt her so you wouldn’t kick my ass. Now she won’t answer my calls or texts, and it’s all your fucking fault.”

Dick held the doors apart, refusing to let his friend leave. “I know! I know I was an ass! Neither of you deserved that, I honestly can’t excuse how I behaved. I just want Y/N to be happy and I was too fucking protective to see that you made her happy.”

Wally stood there with narrowed eyes, listening to Dick’s words.

“No amount of sorry’s can ever express how bad I feel, or take back what I said to you. Walls, we’re supposed to be best friends and I wasn’t a very good one when you needed me to be and for that, I am really sorry.”

Dick watched Wally with a hopeful expression, he knew it was a long shot for Wally to forgive him, let alone accept his apology but he had to try.

Wally chewed his lip. The whole protective big brother thing was something Wally understood until recently he thought the way he was protective of you was because he too saw you as a little sister. Unbeknownst to him, it was because he’s been in love with you since you were kids.

Letting out a sigh, Wally dropped his head. “I accept your apology. But it’s going to take a shit ton of groveling and plenty of Alfred’s cooking before I even think about forgiving you.”

Dick let the faintest of smiles form on his lips. It may not have been the best-case scenario, but it was better than Wally telling Dick he never wanted to see him again.

“But you have more than just me to apologize to.”

“I was actually going to ask if you wanted to come with me, I want to fix what I messed up.”

“Dick, I don’t even know if she’ll take me back.”

Giving him a look, Dick raised a brow. “If you love her as much as you say you do, she will. It might just take some convincing.”

Wally clicked his tongue and stepped to the side. “Alright fine, let’s go.” Looking out behind Dick, he saw Tim standing there with an expectant look on his face. Waving, he saw Tim crack a smile seeing their friendship was on the mend.

An hour later, Dick and Wally stood outside the door to your bedroom. Both weren’t all that excited about seeing you, but for different reasons. Wally was worried you’d reject him, and Dick was worried you’d maim him.

Letting out a sigh, Dick finally raised his hand to knock. “Y/N? You in there?”

“What do you fucking think?” a voice said behind them.

Dick and Wally whirled around to see Jason was standing there with a tray of small sandwiches and iced tea no doubt made by Alfred.

Dick rubbed the back of his head. “Okay, fair point.” he muttered. “Jay, I need to apologize.”

“Yeah, you definitely do. I’m guessing you two patched things up because Wally isn’t strangling you.”

“I think he’s done being a dick, don’t you?” Wally asked, giving Dick a look.

“My days of meddling with my siblings’ relationships are over.”

“About fucking time.” Jason muttered.

Before Dick could say a word, Jason handed him the plate of sandwiches. “If you’re going to apologize, you’re going to need some leverage so she doesn’t try to kill you.”

Taking the plate, Dick looked at them both before slowly entering your room.

“Y/N? I come with a peace offering.”

“You can take your peace offering and shove it up your ass.”

Dick hid his amusement, before stepping closer. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I was an ass, I was more than an ass. I was a dick to my sister and my best friend because I was so worried you would get hurt.”

You kept your back to him, refusing to turn.

“Like I told Wally, I know it’s no excuse for what I did and I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I want to fix what I broke.”

Hearing the last bit out of his mouth, you let an expression of confusion form on your face. What does he mean ‘fix’?

Letting out a sigh, you turned to see Dick there with a plate of cucumber sandwiches and iced tea. Dick must really be trying to suck up because he hated cucumber sandwiches. Raising a brow at him, you crossed your arms.

“Is this your way of apologizing? Giving me food and tea?”

Dick gave you a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck. “Is it working?”

No matter how pissed you were, you couldn’t hate Dick forever. You knew when Dick was being sincere, and this was one of those moments. His body language was open, towards you as if he was asking for a hug, anything to show that you still cared and wanted your older brother around.

His eyes said it all though. You could see the apology, the remorse and all in the way he looked at you.

You wanted to accept his apology, he was your brother after all; but you gave up one of the most important people in your lives because of him. That wasn’t something easily forgotten, or forgiven.

As if Dick could hear your thoughts, he set the tray down. “I know it’s hard to make up for what I did, but maybe this will help?”

At his words another person walked into your room, his presence lighting up the space as if he was the sun.

Wally stood there with a dorky smile on his face as he looked at you, with no trace of malice or any negative feelings towards you.


“Six weeks and all you have to say to me is ‘Hey’?”

Wally laughed and stepped forward, taking your hands in his. “If you stop interrupting me, maybe I’d get to say more.”

“I’m a bat. We’re notorious for interrupting people, especially speedsters.”

Moving to cup your face, Wally stroked your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t mind, I like when you–”

True to your word, you interrupted Wally by kissing him. Shocked only for a moment, Wally soon pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you. Having you in his arms felt so right, like the missing piece of him was finally back and he could be whole again.

Wally was your better half, he kept you out of trouble all while getting into it at the same time.

Dick cleared his throat, making the two of you pull apart and give him a look.

“Like I said, we bats like to interrupt people.” you muttered.

“Do you need something Dick? We’re kind of in the middle of something.” Wally said, raising a brow.

“Not that this isn’t touching and all, but does this mean I’m forgiven?”

You couldn’t ignore the hopeful look on his face, praying that he managed to fix your relationship or at least put it on the mend.

Tapping your chin, you gave him a pensive look. “Cover my chores for a month and then we’ll talk.”

“If you think making me do your chores will–”

“Dick, I think it’s best you just stop talking.” Jason called from the doorway where Tim stood with him watching the scene. “Who knows what other stupid shit you’ll say.” he grinned.

Pursing his lips, Dick gave Jason and now Tim, who was snickering, a look. “You know what, fuck you.”

“Ouch, I’m wounded.” Tim deadpanned.

“You want wounded Timbertha? I can show you wounded.” Jason’s eyes had a malicious look in them like he was planning the perfect torture for Tim right then and there.

“I think kicking my ass and beating me half to death is good enough for me, thanks.”

“Why you little–”

“If the three of you don’t mind,” you called, “I am trying to make up with my boyfriend. Now get lost!”

Jason, Tim and Dick all gave each other a look before shrugging and staying where they stood. “Now, I don’t think we will.” Tim teased.

Wally looked at the three of them, then at you and shrugged. “Fine by me, just make sure you close the door.”

“Wally wha–”

Cutting off your words, Wally kissed you deeply, moving his hands down to grip your thighs. Melting into the kiss, you jumped on command and wrapped your legs around his waist.

“Yeah, I’m leaving.”

“Right behind you.”

“I need to bleach my eyes please and thank you.”

Hearing the door click, Wally broke the kiss and looked at you with a grin. “Well that got them to leave,”

Raking your fingers through his hair, you gave the strands a light tug making Wally groan against your shoulder.

“Good, because we have lost time to make up for.”

Kissing him again, you felt Wally carry you to your bed and lay you on it softly. “I love you Y/N, and nothing is ever going to change that, especially no dumb overly protective brothers.”

“I love you too, Wally.”

@bluejay-the-geek@catxsnow@niggxrette@subtleappreciation@littleredwing89@clamityganon@woahjaybird@river-bottom-nightmare@screennamealreadyused@restwellsoon@batarella@offendedfishnoises@angstigone@illzarr@sladewilson-deathstroke@sambucky8​ @sadlyreagan @alienstardust@kiwijulia​ @starflyer-104
