#walt disney confessions


My daughter is almost 4 and barely speaks at all. She had a brain injury at birth and almost didn’t make it. The most she speaks is when she tries to sing with the Disney movies, specifically the Frozen series. I love hearing her little voice. I think I am one of the few parents that could listen to ”Let it go" on a loop without complaining as long as I can hear my daughter’s voice. She has had a rough few years so we took her to Disneyland. She couldn’t verbally communicate how much she loved it but my wife and I could tell. She insisted on wearing her Frozen costumes. She starts school soon and I worry about her so we just wanted her to have some fun before it starts.


Doctor Strange is my favorite character in the MCU and my main comfort character. As soon as I saw his movie I was speechless, because as a spiritual person I thought “hey, that’s exactly how practicing witchcraft works!” Other than that I relate to him a lot because I was forced to change my life after a scarring experience as well. He also gave me the motivation I needed to shift realities. I even got the Eye of Agamotto tattooed in his honor, right on my self harm scars. I just wish I could meet him, hug him tight and thank him for what he’s done for me.

I love cooking and baking. It’s my dream to open my own chain of restaurants but I’m scared that I may be rejected because I’ve grown up in a poor household and because of the area I live in. Watching Tiana managing to over come that is inspiring and I’m hopeful it can be the same for me in the near future.

I have been struggling with perfectionism and anxiety disorder, I’m always trying to succeed in everything even in things I’m not good at. One day I watched Frozen and seeing Elsa struggling to control her powers and remain “normal” made me think that I don’t always need or to appear perfect. I should be happy with who I am.

The Lion King is my special Disney movie. No matter how many times I rewatch it it always makes me feel better even when I am having a terrible day. It’s like true Disney magic.

Seeing Chase Davenport restore Skylar Storm’s powers reminds me that although it might take longer than expected, I will find my destiny.

I feel like Coco should help me feel connected to my Mexican half, but it doesn’t. My parents and I moved from Mexico years ago, hardly seeing my Mexican family. There no other Mexicans in my area, I forgot a lot of Spanish (learning now), and we don’t really celebrate Day of the Dead or other traditions, so I’ve always felt quite disconnected from that part of me. Coco makes me miss my family and Mexico and makes me sad that I’m not more in touch with my Mexican heritage. I’d feel fake and silly suddenly doing some traditions now, but I kind of want to.

Luz changed me when they announced she was neurodivergent telling me that I’m not the only one.

After I saw the movie Luca, I fell in love with it. My name is Luci and my name means light. Luca means bringer of light. I thought Luca would be a perfect nickname, but my older sister made me feel super self conscious about it, probably because Luca was a boy in the movie. I have only really specified the nickname to my online followers, but hope that it will catch on maybe in my life proving that gender roles with nicknames don’t really matter if you really like that nickname.

I’m a guy and I find Belle so relatable. I have always been told that I am weird, strange, and unusual and I also love reading fantasy books and fairy tales. Belle taught me it is okay to be different.

When I saw the part when Buzz realized he’s a toy, it reminded me of how I realized that I have autism. It makes me feel like he feels the same as I do.

Recently, I started watching Owl House and I have absolutely fallen in love with the relationships between Luz, Eda, and King. Like Luz, I feel like a bit of a misfit. So watching her find a place where she belongs and developing relationships with people who genuinely care about her gives me hope that someday I will find where I belong too.

I’m not able to watch Luca even though i was highly excited for this movie after I found out that the main boys could actually be lovers. I fell in love with my friend, and after their girlfriend broke up with them, he immediately started dating their bff. I’m since then heartbroken and dead inside. After I told the friend about my feelings, he told me he wouldn’t ever date me. After that we lost contact. I lost the most amazing person, and the memory of them breaks my heart. Because Luca came out at the same time we broke up, I’m not able to fully enjoy it because it reminds me of them too much and it’s like cutting with a knife into open scars.

Rewatching Coco makes me upset because it only reminds me that my family will never be there for me. But it’s somehow still one of my favourite movies.

Sometimes I feel a lot like Bucky Barnes. I mean sure, I haven’t fallen off a train or been experimented on but I understand his sadness, his loss and his confusion in the world that grew without him. I feel like I’m behind on everything and honestly, I understand his loneliness and his inability to find comfort in people.

Boy meets world is a comfort show for me. I guess it helps me fill a hole, I know I’ll never find someone who will stay with me forever kind of like Shawn Hunter I guess.

Elsa has drastically changed my life. I was normally very insecure, then I decided to change myself. I was 8 when Frozen first came out, but I couldn’t watch it until I was 11 because my father didn’t allow it. I was mesmerized when I watched it. She looked like me both in type and in character. I also have a sister who is 3 years younger than me. I went through my hardest times with her. Now I’m confident and strong.

CONTENT WARNING - SEXUAL ASSAULT: I was sexually assaulted while watching my favorite Disney movie of all time, Tangled. It’s ironic because mother Gothel reminds me of my mother with how controlling and limiting she is. My mom blames me for this.
