#wang ziyi


I can not get over this Ziyi focus cam ;;; The elegance and class that he exudes is just… wow idk even know how to explain it. You can’t help but to give all your attention to him. 


3% singing old idol producer songs

[181024] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update“#include stdio.h int main() { printf("Hello, ISEE!&rdqu

[181024] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update

“#include stdio.h
int main()
printf("Hello, ISEE!”);
return 0;
} ​​​​

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[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [2/2]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank you [181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [2/2]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank you [181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [2/2]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank you

[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update[2/2]

“Took some photos during a break in filming
Thank you to my photographer @/jjjustin0219” (trans. @fyidolproducer)

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[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [½]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [½]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update [½]“Took some photos during a break in filmingThank

[181026] Wang Ziyi Weibo Update[½]

“Took some photos during a break in filming
Thank you to my photographer @/jjjustin0219” (trans. @fyidolproducer)

Post link

—2018.4.6 - 2019.10.6— 

18 months has flew past so quickly that it is already the time of graduation for the Nine Percent . Officialninepercent has been with Nine Percent throughout this time and it has been a great experience updating for the boys. There were numerous unforgettable moments. However, the time has come and I believe this is a good time to put an end to this blog. 

Despite all the misfortunes of Nine Percent as a group, It has been a pleasure knowing the boys as well as everyone I have come to meet along the way. This blog is made for the sole purpose of promoting Nine Percent on tumblr and I hope that this goal is somewhat achieved. As a fan and an admin, I am very grateful for every follower and everyone who has ever liked or reblog our posts. Thank you to everyone who has supported and loved Nine Percent.

All posts will be kept on this blog and this blog will not be deleted. The past 18 months is our own ‘limited memories’ and I hope that this blog can act as an archive to store all these unforgettable memories.

6/10 is Nine Percent’s Graduation Day, but it will not be the end. I hope the best for the boys of Nine Percent and I also hope that everyone and continue to support and love the boys.

Once again, thank you.

Farewell, Nine Percent.

Farewell, NINEs.

- Admin Clarice (@linyanjunjun​)

Wang Ziyi - 191006 Official Weibo UpdateForever ​​​​cr.王子异

Wang Ziyi - 191006 Official Weibo Update

Forever ​​​​


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Wang Ziyi - 191006 Official Weibo Update [trans]

548 days ✓
This journey has ended, but all things that happened will forever be treasured. Going back to DaChang once again, I realized there is actually nothing there. All the memories have already been carried away by me, and stored right here in my heart.。

NINE PERCENT lives inside a countdown, it is the one-and-only.
The stage is where we first met, and all my future stages will be our promise, everyday will be our new meeting.
For the stage. For all of you. 


Wang Ziyi - 191006 Getting Off Workcr.Caccialaluce0713_王子异个站 do not edit or remove creditsWang Ziyi - 191006 Getting Off Workcr.Caccialaluce0713_王子异个站 do not edit or remove creditsWang Ziyi - 191006 Getting Off Workcr.Caccialaluce0713_王子异个站 do not edit or remove credits

Wang Ziyi - 191006 Getting Off Work

cr.Caccialaluce0713_王子异个站 do not edit or remove credits

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Wang Ziyi - 191006 Going To Workcr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove creditsWang Ziyi - 191006 Going To Workcr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove creditsWang Ziyi - 191006 Going To Workcr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove credits

Wang Ziyi - 191006 Going To Work

cr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove credits

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Wang Ziyi - 191005 Studio Weibo Update❐plendid❐nergetic❐quamarine COMING SOON …cr.王子异工作室

Wang Ziyi - 191005 Studio Weibo Update




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Wang Ziyi - 191005 Getting Off Workcr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove creditsWang Ziyi - 191005 Getting Off Workcr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove credits

Wang Ziyi - 191005 Getting Off Work

cr.MAMAAINI0713·王子异 do not edit or remove credits

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    —   ⁺    ,  1996  [#625 GIFS] WHY WOMEN LOVE  /  wang ziyi is chinese, please cast accordingly and use appropriately. all of the gifs have been created from scratch by me. to accessthe gifs please click the source link. do not edit, claim as your own or add into your own hunts!time and effort were spent into making these gifs, alike or a reblog would be much appreciated!

  • [! ] content warning: alcohol, food, kissing