

Now you see me, now you don’t. #DubsTopMoments

#WorldEmojiDay X #DubNation

#WorldEmojiDay X #DubNation

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That KD crossover #DubsTopMoments

“I’m gonna come in here and work my tail off and grab every minute I can get, and try to make the team win.” Hear more from the newest Warrior, @jonasjerebko8

“Continue to play my game, and just bring a spark.” Hear more from Warriors new 2-way player, @dami0nlee.

“Not a playoff game but it sure feels like it!” #DubsTopMoments, KD edition

 Firestar - The OG boy! The one that started everything so many years ago! I have always had such a

Firestar - The OG boy! The one that started everything so many years ago! I have always had such a soft spot in my heart for Firestar, being able to watch his adventure unfold from an outcast to one of the most respected cats in all of the clans, as a little girl. I’ve always loved Firestar- I think one of my favorite scenes is when he sits with Yellowfang when she’s dying and tells her about every good memory they have together. I love the idea of him going from this little tiny kit to this just massive, stronk cat. I could never imagine him as a tabby, so I love his Abyssian designs!! I bet when he purrs it’s REALLY OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD

Graystripe- It has been so long since I have read a Warriors book that I haven’t been able to keep up on Graystripe, other than he had his own book and it was really good ;; I always loved how loyal of a friend he was towards Firestar, but I distinctly remember being incredibly frustrated with him when I was first reading through the series and his romance with Silverstream, followed by his subsequent bouncing between clans. Now I don’t mind it, but when I was little, I was MAD. I also like that he was able to settle back down as he got older with Millie- I really like that it showed he could love again and was able to move on while still honoring Silverstream.

Ravenpaw- I haven’t read Ravenpaw’s story yet, either- but I love this boy! Big ears are a must. Very nervous boy! One of my top 10 favorite characters- I love how even though he was afraid, he came back to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Firestar against BloodClan. I don’t really have too much to say about him- dark kitty, white patch on chest! Loved his brother Dustpelt so much but never felt as good as him.

Tigerstar- A horrible man- disgusting! But his character was already really interesting to me, and the characterization that Cushfuddled made with him was spot on- I love!! I love the concept that he legitimately thought that taking over ThunderClan was in their best interest and he was honestly convinced that he was doing the right thing. Big cat, maybe Maine Coon or Norweigan Forest cat? Just BIG AND LARGE. His design pulls a lot of inspiration for Nifty-senpai’s design for Tigerstar!

Spottedleaf- Man, I was never really a fan of Spottedleaf and I absolutely HATE FirexSpotted. I feel like it was more of a tiny crush on Firepaw’s end like “ooh she’s pretty! uwu” but nothing more than that. I really hate the writing on how that was dragged out into him loving her forever. I mean, when he joined the clan, she was literally old enough to be his mother? I just… don’t like it. Design wise- she is small and has round-shapes  Her ears are small and round, compared to Redtail’s, that are large and have tufts. While Redtail’s design is much more simple, Spottedleaf’s is much busier (based on my favorite design for her by cityswarriorkitties on Tumblr). I honestly love in Twin Shadows (by Cushfuddled) SandxSpotted ;; I love it so, so much

Bluestar- Bluestar is the worst. 10/10, dislike. I love my design for her, but just in general dislike her character a ton. I could do a complete character analysis for her as to why I dislike her, but I think my main reason is by naming Brightpaw ‘Lostface’. Even if she was mentally struggling at the time (which I think we have all been there!), she, someone who holds the HIGHEST power and respect in the clan, took our her anger on a CHILD (a literal CHILD) by naming her 'Lostface’. You cannot take our your anger on a literal child. Imagine if a teacher- no, the principal- went to school and was having a really hard time with everything in life, and took a child who was just HORRIBLY misfigured and would be for the rest of her life- and named her LOSTFACE. Not even that, a Warrior name is almost sacred to Warrior cats- it is their entire identity. It’s just cruel, disgusting, and I could never forgive her after that fact.

Template by my friend Jayie-The-Hufflepuff||The Prophecies Begin Design Challenge - Template

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 Brambleclaw - This boy was fun to design! I wanted him to have VERY similar features to Tigerstar (

Brambleclaw- This boy was fun to design! I wanted him to have VERY similar features to Tigerstar (as he is always compared to looking strinkingly similar to his father) but with some softer and more saturated colors (like his mother). His eyes are a bit more golden in honor of his mother. Honestly, I really WISH his Warrior name had been Brambleflower or something much more soft? Brambleberry, Brambleheart- something other than BrambleCLAW like TigerCLAW. Yes, way to remind the child of his FATHER. Anyways, I loved his character until Hawkfrost got involved- and then in my opinion, he just went downhill from there

Squirrelflight- I LOVE HER! A good girl! Didn’t deserve ANY of the shit she’s been put through, at all. Small ears like her mother! A bit more of a yellow-ginger when in direct comparison to my Firestar design. I just love her. I love how she was such a good mother to the three. I haven’t read any books since the end of Omen of the Stars so I don’t really know how she is now, other than she was dragged into cat hell by the imposter. I wish she would have been made leader. OH! I also read Squirrelflight’s Hope, and although I didn’t know a lot of the characters, how DARE StarClan put her on trial? She was RIGHT that entire book and Bramblestar was just a jerk the entire time. She deserves so much better.

Tawnypelt- Ear tufts just seem to run in this family and I love it! I headcannon her to be a BIG GORL. BIG LADY. I really tried to pull from Tigerstar and Goldenflower’s designs, having her have patches of gold and brown, like a perfect blend of her parents. I just feel so heartbroken that she left ThunderClan to go to ShadowClan where she thought she’d be accepted more- and it looks like she is happy there  She found a seemingly wonderful mate and had beautiful kits. She is good. I want TAWNYSTAR!

- Angry boy, I love him. I could go into a big discourse on his character but I just, he’s well-written, I believe. He’s flawed and I can get behind that- his choices were never the best and he was kind of a shit dad, but I liked that in writing? It was a breath of fresh air compared to how some characters are written and I can get behind that. I think he really redeemed himself quite a bit in Crowfeather’s Trial and really like how he and Nightcloud ended it as friends.  

Feathertail- Some aspects get gets from her father, but I would say a majority of looks come from her mother. I really love how gentle and patient she was with Crowpaw and how he fell in love with her. I am not sure if I headcannon that she loves him back romantically or more-so platonically, like a little sibling or something that she felt she must care for and protect, kind of how she felt towards Mothwing and Hawkfrost as kits. She was also incredibly brave when facing down the sharptooth and a true warrior to the end.

Stormfur- Same head stripe as Graystripe, as well as mane! He almost looks a bit too blue in this picture, but I was aiming for one of those really dark stormclouds! Blue-ish like his mother, dark-ish like his father! I LOVE STORMFUR AND BROOK. Stormfur and Squirrelflight would have been ok, but BROOK. YES. I loved how he chose to stay with her in the mountains and is happy living there. I also kind of headcannon him to be bi- totally having a crush on Brambleclaw.

Template by my friend Jayie-The-Hufflepuff||The New Prophecy Design Challenge - Template

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 There’s just something SO relaxing about finally drawing and designing canon characters how I

There’s just something SO relaxing about finally drawing and designing canon characters how I always imagined them reading the books ;; Also- I have the other ones done (The Prophecies Begin and The New Prophecy) but wanted to do a few touchups on them before submitting! Anyways- super fun challenge! Next is going to be a wall of text as to why I designed them like I did and maybe some head-canons I have for them…

Darkstripe - I gave him more of a dark gray/brown tint like the trash that he is. His eyes are SUPER PALE YELLOW just because I thought it’d be neat to be light that pale yellow, reflective color. I wish his relationship (half-brother) with Graystripe would have been developed more. I know you can’t go into all relationships like that, but I feel like they are complete polar opposites with the same mother, so that could have been a really interesting sub-plot to be explored. My headcanon would be that he always looked down on Graystripe because of how his mother took another mate after his father died. Also he smells like stagnant pond water.

Redtail - Ahhh Redtail, my boy. I haven’t read Redtail’s Debt, so I may be wrong on a few of these things but… Let’s star with the design. You can’t see the fullbody I have for him and Spottedleaf, but Redtail is large patches of ginger whereas my Spottedleaf is much more speckled. Other than that, they have the same color pallette! I 100% stan Trans Redtail. This is one of my favorite headcanons and I love it. And this can totally still work for him being Sandstorm’s parent which is ok with me  Or not! That’s fine too! I just stan Trans Redtail! Redtail is in love with Runningwind but when Sandstorm is born, Sandstorm’s surrogate mother becomes Brindleface. Also, I absolutely would have loved to change the books so that Redtail, not Spottedleaf, was Fireheart’s StarClan guide. ALSO Go read Redtail’s Choice on Tumblr?! It’s so good!? Like really! Go read it!!  

Longtail- So I always had this idea in my head that Longtail was always pretty vain- always viewed himself as an extremely good looking character, so when Firepaw shredded his ear, more than anything, his pride was hurt, but also his good looks (at least, to him!). Longtail becoming deputy would have been so much great character development and I would have loved to see that- would have really showed his maturity away from Tigerstar/Darkstripe and really prove not only his loyalty to ThunderClan, but to Firestar and I LIVE for that. Every single Longtail design I see is 100% valid and I LOVE the ALL of the different designs in the community (but I am WEAK for cinnamon / cinnamon silver). He really did NOT want to mentor again after Swiftpaw, feeling that Swiftpaw’s death was his fault- it really took some persuading for him to be willing to mentor again. After Longtail was blinded, Goldenflower took care of him, helping to guide him, encourage him, and describe his surroundings to him after they made it to the lake territory and they formed a really strong bond over him doing the best he could with Swiftpaw and both of their shared experiences with Tigerstar. Ace 100%.

Yellowfang- I always LOVED Yellowfang in the original arc, but after that, my love for her kind of burned out a little…I didn’t like how she *lied* to Squirrelflight saying that she would never be able to have kits and pretty much guilted her into raising the three but… I digress. In Squirrelflight’s Hope, she literally gave the middle finger to Moth Flight about having kits and THEN making the rule for medicine cats not to have kits. Her relationship with Raggedstar was horrible, toxic, and borderline (if not fully) abusive and I hate it. The only real headcanon I have for her is that basically, Cinderpelt was the daughter that she had never had, so I like… love that. So, as Cinderpaw recovered from her accident, Yellowfang worked herself tirelessly trying to find any way that she could help Cinderpaw’s body and soul heal. She talked and met with other medicine cats, studied the bones in prey, and other various methods, trying to figure out how to help the apprentice. She was tough on Fireheart, but always had a sweet spot for Cinderpaw, often taking her treats while Cinderpaw was recovering.

Sandstorm- Sandstorm isn’t the typical definition of beautiful but is beautiful in her own strong, independent, hard-working way. Her morals and ethics are what make her so beautiful. I completely agree that she is slightly larger than Fireheart, and much larger if he had the same length of fur that she does. She’s a big buff and I love her for it. I completely wish she would have had a scene where she went absolutely feral on Tigerstar for killing both of her parents. Like wtf regardless of her family tree, Tigerstar literally killed Redtail, Runningwind, and Brindleface and she didn’t beat his ass for it and I hate that.  Also- Sandstorm only had one litter because she hated being pregnant because she’s too much of a busy-body and too risky during border skirmishes. She hated being told to sit out or rest while others were risking their lives. Also- small ear gang I love her

Cinderpelt- Cinderpelt- my girl ;; A lady who deserved more but totally made the absolte best of the life she was given. Yellowfang made her into the hardened, no non-sense medicine cat she is and I adore her for that, even telling Tigerclaw to shut up. I love it. I read a headcanon once (which I fully support) that she was given her name Cinder-PELT after the Silver-PELT, to always remind her of her connection to StarClan and how she met her destiny like a true warrior. I personally hate CinderxFire. I don’t like it one bit. She doesn’t need a relationship to be the badass that she is. She’s stocky and strongly built, contrary to a lot of medicine cats- she has the build of a warrior and the size to back it up. Also heck on the Erins for not exploring more about the relationship between Brightheart and Cinderpelt, being sisters and also Cinderheart having to take care of her after she was mauled by a dog and then subsequently named Lostface. I also wish I could have saw Cinderpelt take a chunk out of Bluestar for being so horrible and naming her beloved sister that. Also she was super honored to mentor her old mentor’s daughter. I love it.

Templated by my friend Jayie-The-Hufflepuff||The Prophecies Begin Design Challenge II Template

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 “I’ll show you that you can trust me.”  My Discord server and I were discussing h

I’ll show you that you can trust me.


My Discord server and I were discussing how there are so many different designs for Longtail and how every. single. one. of them. are wonderful and valid. We all decided to draw how we pictured the beautiful boy, and this is hope I’ve seen him since I started reading the series! I honestly really like how this turned out- it was just meant to be a sketch but I really, really love how it turned out! ;u;

See more at deviantart.com/kelpyART

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{{ Shadowpaw }}New kid on the block? Named Shadowpaw? I can dig it B)It’s been forever since I’ve re

{{ Shadowpaw }}

New kid on the block? Named Shadowpaw? I can dig it B)

It’s been forever since I’ve read a main series book (end of Omen of the Stars?) but I saw there was a new book released today. In order to celebrate, have this little Shadowpaw fellow! 

See more at deviantart.com/kelpyART

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CrookedstarTried some new coloring techniques - not sure if I like them or not. He started out brown


Tried some new coloring techniques - not sure if I like them or not. He started out brown and now I think he looks a little too ginger. Oh well. Definitely one of my favorite leaders. A three way tie between Crookedstar, Tallstar, and probably one of the founders.

See more at … KELPYART

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 I had to draw this- I read Crowfeather’s Trial the day it was released and I actually really

I had to draw this- I read Crowfeather’s Trial the day it was released and I actually really liked it? It wasn’t perfect and it did drag in some spots, but it was way better than what I was expecting- so, here’s a Crowfeather. This book redeemed his character for me (even though he was a horrible father, at least he is making an attempt now and acknowledges his poor parenting skills), as it was really interesting to have an entire book from his point of view. I didn’t want to draw any spoilers, but I want y'all to know it’s actually a very interesting read and you should definitely read it!  

See more of my work at Deviantart!

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Quietstar and her apprehensive deputy! I forgot to post this here!

Quietstar and her apprehensive deputy! I forgot to post this here!

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It’s Omens hours

A quietstar on this winter day u o u/

A quietstar on this winter day u o u/

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A Goosefeather for this week’s #WOTW!

A Goosefeather for this week’s #WOTW!

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Some misc stuff, first two are Larchbreeze related with her mama and a patrol she went on with some Some misc stuff, first two are Larchbreeze related with her mama and a patrol she went on with some Some misc stuff, first two are Larchbreeze related with her mama and a patrol she went on with some

Some misc stuff, first two are Larchbreeze related with her mama and a patrol she went on with some frands, third is @osteophagy‘s littlecloud apprentice beating the shit out of mine even though Stempaw was always the instigator 

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A Cinderpelt for this week’s WOTW on Twitter!

A Cinderpelt for this week’s WOTW on Twitter!

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Some Quietstar headshots from awhile ago…sassy butch

Some Quietstar headshots from awhile ago…sassy butch

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