#warrior cats


The great compromise thumbnail submission

August 2020

Let’s Go map submission

November 2020

I completely forgot about this blog mmmm have a cat from a Instagram dtiys!

March 2020

some pen doods of some fellas

hands you a puddleshine, then vanishes into the mist for the next 3 months

babe wake up! it’s time for me to post my annual cloudstar doodle


roses are red

honey comes from bees

breaking my cat hiatus to confirm that yes, this kitty gay. thank you all


actually here’s a really quick concept for sunbeam

idk what’s going on in the broken code but if bristleroot’s gonna be canon did bramblefake at least manipulate bristlefrost into listening to him by using her feelings for rootspring because ashfur knows what unrequited love feels like

itz ur dream boy omg >.<


The cats, theyve been warriored


mudclaw stubbed his toe
