
My government assigned Warriorsona, Sparkwillow. She’s a wonderful, calming presence, that is a grea

My government assigned Warriorsona, Sparkwillow. She’s a wonderful, calming presence, that is a great leader but is riddled with anxiety. While she is a great friend and leader, she is quick to take out her anger on those that are closest to her. Loves flowers, swimming, and the rain- hates windy days, fish, and the cold.

My Deviantart

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Warriorsona, not government assigned but…I know what I want.

Warriorsona, not government assigned but…I know what I want.

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starclan doesn’t have to know

some stagheart ft. @gekkozilla’s medicine cat herb hc! his herb is celandine petals, which is tied to how he became a medicine cat due to nearsightedness
