

Just because I been super into this crossover for a little while.

Y'all know how Goro calls Kiryu’s name? Now, imagine if Jordi does it to Aiden.

Aiden: /minding his business

Jordi: Pearce~!

When Jordi was saying something about dorks and DnD, I’m like, “aren’t you a dork yourself?”

Aiden being normal for once and dancing in places like his Bunker. So, you have someone like Clara, Jordi, or Ray walking in on him dancing and humming along to whatever music he has going on.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Plopping this one here.


If y'all are using it, please do credit me.

Also, I made some edits because why not? Feel free to use them as long as y'all credit me.

«I need you to hurt me  I need you to fight me  I need you to kill me I need you to destroy me » Son«I need you to hurt me  I need you to fight me  I need you to kill me I need you to destroy me » Son

«I need you to hurt me 
 I need you to fight me 
 I need you to kill me 
I need you to destroy me »

Song: Mr.Kitty – Destroy Me 

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