#waves hello


*blows dust off the Tumblr* Oof. I haven’t looked around here in so long…

Love you, everybody. Sorry I’m not around here more! (also, I’d forgotten how terrible GIFs are on here…)

At this stage in my life the main skills I’m working on are

  1. just don’t get annoyed or angry over petty things! I can just choose not to. I can just say “you know what, Drew, it’s not a big deal” and force myself to drop the subject in my head and think about something else.
  2. don’t assume malicious intent. people say and do stuff that hurts my feelings and that could be entirely unintended, or it could be malicious. the more people I interact with and the more often, the more I will encounter people doing stuff that hurts me! but mostpeople are not actually trying to hurt me or anyone, and if I jump into defense mode because Ichose to read malice into their actions when there is no evidence to support that, I’m actually the asshole.