#wayv oneshots


Kun and Y/n find themselves enjoying a moment of peace and quiet while everyone else in out of the dorm. The two have a relaxing time together and take this time to talk about their feelings.

Part of the long term couples series

Walking into Kun’s room you quietly make your way towards his bed and crawl in next to him. He has a book propped up on his chest his other arm tucked behind his head. Your crawl over him and cuddle up next to him. Using his chest as a pillow and slotting one of your legs between his. You turn your head a little to plant a kiss on his chest before resting once again on his chest. Closing your eyes, you take in the feel of Kun next to you and relax further into him. The two of you hadn’t been able to see each other at all this past week what with him being busy recording and your week was packed with shoots.

           You were glad that the two of you were finally able to spend some time with each other. You feel Kun shift, and his arm comes to wrap around you his hand resting on your hip. He starts to draw mindless patterns on your hip. You open your eyes and glance up at him to see that he is still focused on his book. Looking at the book you see that he is reading a book of poems. You start to read the one poem but aren’t quick enough before Kun turns the page onto the next set of poems.

           “What’s the reason for you reading a book of poems?” You ask after you finish one of the poems. Kun lays the book onto his chest and looks down at you. You tilt your head back to look up at him. His dark eyes study you and he bring up his hand to along your jaw and then the brim of your nose.

           “Just looking for some inspiration,” he taps the tip of your nose causing you to scrunch it from the action.

           “Are you not feeling inspired lately?” You didn’t realize that he was having trouble writing. You wonder how long that has been going on for.

           “No, it’s not that I can’t come up with anything,” he assures you, “It’s more that I feel like a lot of what I’ve been writing is the same. And I figured I would try something else this time and see what happens.”

           “Are you worried that what you’ve written isn’t good,” you hedge trying to understand exactly how he is feeling. While Kun had many great qualities being open about his feelings was not one of them. The two of you sometimes had arguments because you both struggled at times expressing how you felt. It was something you were both working on and you wanted to be here for him if he was having feelings of doubt.

           “I’m sure it’s fine but I want to try and write something different. I guess I just want to push myself and try something new. Does that make sense?” He asks. You smile up at him. Leave it to Kun to take it upon himself to challenge himself to try something new.

           “It does,” you tell him, “Just make sure that you’re doing it because you want to and not because you feel like you have to. You’re already an amazing song writer and I don’t want you thinking that you have to push yourself to be better when you are already great.”

           Kun smiles down at you before he leans down towards you to press his lips gently to yours. He pulls away from you much too soon for your liking. Scooting up his body you chase after his lips and hear Kun let out a laugh at you before he connects his lips back to yours. When you two breaks apart it’s you who ends the kiss.

           “Do I get to see the new songs that you have been working on?” Kun wraps both his arms around you causing the book to slide off his chest and onto the bed.

           “Nope,” he tells you and kisses the tip of your nose. Your mouth pops open, and you start to squirm trying to get out of his grasp.

           “What are you doing?” Kun laughs as he tightens his hold on you. You continue to try to get out of his grasp.

           “If you aren’t going to show me your work. I’m going to go find it myself. You are terrible at hiding things, and I figure I’ll find it in five minutes or less.”

           “Alright I’ll show you, my work. When it’s finished,” he tells you, “Later right now I want you to stay right here with me.”

           At that statement you stop trying to escape from Kun’s hold. He really was a big softie and you the truth was you didn’t want to go look for his songs anyway. You would much rather spend your time in bed wrapped up in Kuns arms. Settling back on top of him. You nuzzle into his chest and let out a content sigh. Kun loosens his hold on you and settles down into the bed. He picks back up the book he was reading and starts to flip through the pages trying to find where he left off.

           When he finds the correct page his one hand returns to your hip and the two of you lay in silence as he reads, and you let your mind drift. The place is quiet, and you start to wonder where the rest of his members are. Usually, the place is filled with noise. It’s weird not to hear other people’s voices, music, or the tv.

           “Where is everyone else?” you question.

           “I’m not sure. I think some went to the studio and others went out somewhere. I wasn’t paying attention and was just excited to have the place to myself.” Kun shrugs.

           “And enjoying not having to be on leader duty for a bit?” Kun was a great leader, but you also knew that sometimes he needed a break.

           “That too. Sometimes it’s nice to just have the place to myself and not have to interact with others.”

           That was understandable. There were many times yourself that you just needed some time away from others and to just focus on yourself or to be alone and not have to worry about interacting with others or taking care of someone.

           “Does that mean that you want me to leave?” you start to tease, “because with me being here defeats the purpose of you being alone.”

           “No, I always want you here. I will always want you to be around,” the truth in that statement makes your heart melt.

           “I’m telling the others that I’m your favorite,” you inform him and Kun for his part gives you a soft smile before leaning down to kiss you on the forehead.

           “Go right ahead they already know that you are my favorite.” That was probably true. Kun probably told them all while he was scolding them that you were his favorite or you could see him telling them that he only get’s his favorite person food and it’s not them.

           “I’m still going to tell them just to rub it in their faces!”

           “Make sure you do it when I’m around so I can see their reactions.” Kun tells you, “Now shh let’s enjoy this moment of piece and quiet who knows how long we’ll have it.”

           “Okay,” you kiss Kuns chest and snuggle into his chest. He goes back to running his fingertips up and down your side and before you know it your eye lids start to droop and your you find yourself sleeping.

           Kun looks down at your sleeping form. You look so peaceful as you sleep. He had missed you this past week and was glad that you were able to come over today. Setting his book on his nightstand Kun rolls to his side and gently moves you onto the bed before pulling you into his side. You tuck your head under his chin and your one hand curls around his shirt. Kun kisses the top of your head before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep himself. As he does, he thinks how he would like to spend everyday like this. With you in his arm, in his space.
