#we are all mad here


I’m sarcastic and a little odd. You have to understand that dms and me talking doesn’t mean exactly what I say… you have to ask yourself, “Is she fucking around?” “Is she saying that just because it popped into her head and it’s unrelated to anything previously mentioned!?” “Did she say this to see what my reaction will be?” Etc etc etc

“Is she being literal as a joke?” Example: subs as in sub sandwich as in yes I fucking know what a subscription is, but I might want a sub sandwich so I’ll talk about that instead bc it popped into my head.


honestly besides the romance my favorite part of pride and prejudice has to be how much of a complete Disaster the bennet family is,,,,,,,like mr bennet is sarcastic af and never tells his family anything until like the hour before it happens (“btw ur cousin that you’ve never even met before and who could throw ur asses out on the streets one day is coming for dinner at 4”),,,,,mrs bennet is the total Can I Speak To The Manager mom who always threatens to pass out even if she’s never passed out once in her entire life,,,,lydia practically stalks military men and was once voted most likely to run away from home forever for a laugh,,,,,kitty would probably burn the house down if lydia told her it was a good idea,,,,,mary is the epitome of that one person who memorizes only six lines from a textbook and says “knowledge is power” for three days after,,,,,,,,jane would practically apologize to someone who was stabbing her,,,,and im almost 1000% sure that elizabeth has at least once stood up on the dining room table and yelled at her family “fight me then” when she’s angry,,,,,,literally the original sitcom family
