#we will be better than we were



[grabs your shirt] listen. listen to me. the practical is holy. the everyday is sacred. the simple act of surviving is divine. do you get it? sanctity begins at home, in the hands that build and the lives we live and the deaths we die and the worms that eat our bodies. if making something by hand is not worthy of veneration then nothing is.


i’m so thankful we’re alive to smell flowers and touch saltwater and get chilled in the breeze and take deep breaths and make foods warm with love and dance and laugh and move and wake up and dig our hands in dirt and eat strawberries and draw mindlessly and remember and sing and joke and walk down the same street again and again and make meaning. we are so lucky we get to be and feel and keep going




Sometimes… things that feel good in the short term… are worse.

love the tags

More good comments!!

#my recovering addict ass scrutinizing every potentially pleasurable situation under a microscope #cause I'm still working on creating new pathways in my brain so I don't die #sometimes I can literally feel my brain rewiring when I make a good new choice #and I'm like amazing I love neuroplasticity I love that being an addict doesn't have to ruin my life forever in the way I thought it would
#those tags hate epicureanism
#something my therapist told me to to#is to ask myself#if I were to take good care of myself what would I do next#and let me tell you#my mom friend override is now in high gear for myself#it's absolutely amazing
I'm pretty sure some of yall are therapists in disguise planted by the big mental health to prevent us from going insane from time to time