#holy shit holy shit



it is my fault. Mordred is alive and well. He’s free to play his part in Arthur’s death and there is nothing I can do.

Season 5, Episode 5-The Disir

>merlin episodes as visual novels(1/?)

(so i accidentally stumbled upon the servant of two masters NDS game, played it all in one sitting, lamented those horrible 4 hours of my life i wont get back, and started fantasizing about bbc merlin themed visual novels)







Why did no one tell me that they’re making a tv show for a Woon Swee Oan book. In 2022


Your honor. That’s my baby


And of course, everyone’s favorite Su Mungjung, played by the. I can’t even say it

Just to be clear. The reason why I can’t say it is because I’m laughing too hard


moon big (boatem from hermitcraft s8 that i drew months ago)


This is a small murderer! Ben Hardy imagine I had an idea for, I hope you will all like it, feedback is always appreciated.


Murderer! Ben masterlist

Summary:Ben is taken to hospital just before he is meant to go to prison and (Y/n) is the doctor assigned to treat him. But it’s not as easy as she hopes when her patient scares her.



With each clicking of her shoes against the polished tiled floor, she could feel her heart adding an extra beat of blood around her body until she was certain that the organ was about ready to give out. She could feel her heartbeat becoming louder in her chest making every beat feel like it was pulsing through her ribcage and echoing against her lungs. A cold sweat started to rattle through her as she got closer to the door she didn’t really know if she wanted to go through or not.

The moment she reached the door her body was subtally shaking which she was sure the security guards must have noticed when she took her ID badge from her waist to flash in front of their eyes. It was her golden ticket to get her inside a room that was limited to who could see what it held within.

Her imagination didn’t do him justice.

Keep reading



not only am i gay. not only am i trans. not only am i neurodivergent. i’m LETHALLY RADIOACTIVE


[grabs your shirt] listen. listen to me. the practical is holy. the everyday is sacred. the simple act of surviving is divine. do you get it? sanctity begins at home, in the hands that build and the lives we live and the deaths we die and the worms that eat our bodies. if making something by hand is not worthy of veneration then nothing is.


After weeks of posting literally nothing, all I give you is something i partly scribbled in ms paint (the halftones were added in Krita)

My brain at 3am: Its funny that you can find a tape with love deterrence in it when you rescue Kaz. btw do you think that since Venom was a medic back in msf before getting brainwashed the song is probably familiar to him. like at some point maybe he heard kaz playing it.

Me: uuughhhh *writes this in my notes app then falls asleep again*
