#week two




Hello everyone! In honor of the new year, I’ve decided to host a Draw This In Your Style!

To make it more interesting, I will also be redrawing the piece each week myself, in my own different styles! I’ll be running this event for the next four weeks(January 2-January 30). I don’t have any prizes in mind at this point in time, but that may change!

Here are some guidelines!:

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Week one is over! The work put into the entries so far has been phenomenal, so I think it’s only fair to have prizes. I have an idea for first place prizes, but what would you all like to see as far as prizes are concerned?

We’ve reached the end of week two, which means I get to announce what the prizes will be!

First Place: A free commission OR I’ll open my art requests for 3 different people, including a guaranteed slot for you! The second option is a great choice if you’d like to share your spoils.

Second Place: A free icon!

Third Place: A surprise doodle!

Winners will be randomly selected, because I know I wouldn’t be able to choose! This whole thing has been a blast so far, and I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am. ☺️✨
