#weird funny


So you know how a lot of people are like “hahahaha I’m so quirky ” and it can be a little cringe? Well in elementary school my grade had a version of that where we would constantly try to be weird and thought it was so cool anyway this happened in like 4th grade and it keeps me up at night

Classmate 1: I might be leaving this school

Classmate 2: Nooo then I’ll be the only weird one left in this class!

Me: No, I’m weird too!

Classmate 1: Well that’s different. You’re weird weird, we’re funny weird.

Me then: *Gets super sad and doesn’t talk for the rest of the meal*

Me now, reminiscing on that moment: Cheers mate, I’ll drink to that

Lolol no one is even gonna read this or find it funny but I cackle when I think of that day

weird thought

Here’s a cursed thought platonic yandere chairgameplays. It’ll be alive and would snatch and roll around around the manor with you on it and would bring you to other egos. 

If he ain’t random and goofy like this, i don’t want him
