#welcome to the new age


Chapter 13: Welcome to the new age.

I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones

Enough to make my systems blow,

Welcome to the new age,

to the new age

Welcome to the new age,

to the new age

(excerpt from Imagine Dragons’s  ‘’Radioactive’’.)

Gerard looked down at Tuco with hateful discontempt, who looked back with an friendly smile.

‘’ The poem….That was you. ‘’

‘’ Indeed. I recalled hearing it somewhere….thought It would fit what just happened very well….Them eyes of yours are muddied. The old you would’ve seen this coming. It was fucking easy to take out those guards of yours…make our little visit her all hush-hush…until now. ‘’

Gerard clenched his fists, his voice was calm, but everything else about him screamed that he wanted to lash out. But he was powerless in the face of this danger.

‘’ You planned this? ‘’

‘’ Ofcourse. You cant catch somebody without planning it out first. You are not stupid, son. You KNOW this. ‘’

‘’ Welll-weeeeell, Gerry-boy….Enough about that….It’s been…..what was it, Cain? ‘’

Cain was the man to his right, who had an unusual appearance. Except for a window for the right side of his face, showing white skin and one hazel, bordering on orange eye, all of his exposed flesh was covered by bandages, with brown hair sticking out from the top. He was wearing an black denim jacket with cargopants and black leather boots.

‘’ 6 months, Boss. On the day. ‘’

‘’ 6 months, Gerry. 6 months of me licking my wounds…..and regaining my focus…How you’ve been, son? ‘’

‘’ Give him back, Tuco. He doesnt have anything to do with this. ‘’

‘’ True. He doesn’t. But that is beside the point. And…Well, I might not be a genius, Gerry…..but I think having your boy here means I got leverage on you. You give me what I want….and you don’t have to see….his throat being slit right here and now…..Or better yet, I’ll let Cain deal with him. And you know Cain…..Aint nothing he loves more than getting to cut up somebody…..Something that tall gal you got waltzing after you knows all too well. ‘’

‘’ Tell me….How did you get Aiden….Where is Roscoe…? ‘’

‘’ The fat guy?  Cain, what did you do to him? I don’t recall…My old mind is not as quick as it once was. ‘’

Cain did an sweeping motion across his neck and for a moment, chuckling as he did it.

‘’ It was fun. Fat pig squealed nicely. ‘’

‘’ Aiden….what happened… ‘’

‘’ I…I ran off. R-roscoe….ran after m-me…..and then…. ‘’

‘’ As your stuttering son is trying to say, we found them….and now here we are. A small disagreement was had…but we got through to the fat man. ‘’

‘’ Give him back. ‘’

‘’ Again, leverage. You get your son back no harm done…but not for free. ‘’

‘’ What do you fucking want then? ‘’

‘’ Paradise. You pack up…and we get what came here to get. ‘’


Cain suddenly was blown off his feet. Blood shot from the bullethole in his shoulder and left a splatter on the ground. He crashed down on the ground and Tuco’s men raised their rifles.

‘’ Lay the fuck off, men. We aint gonna go shooting nobody…..not yet. ‘’

Gerard screamed out as he turned around to face the shooter.

‘’ Shit….shit shit….. WHO FUCKING TOOK THAT SHOT!? ‘’

Gerard yelled out towards the group of people running down the street towards them. Leading them was Jennie, with Billy and Dwight right behind her and 7 others. She was holding onto her Ruger Super Redhawk, smoke seeping out of the barrel.

‘’ I did, master. I heard the scream….we all came here as soon as we could. They are out numbered, just tell us, and we’ll sho….Oh my god….Aiden…. ‘’¨

‘’ Now see here, miss, I still got a hostage. I’d appreciate it if….well, you didn’t shoot my men when we are discussing business. Now….Cain….Get the fuck up. ‘’

‘’ Hi, Jennie. ‘’

Cain suddenly sat up, as if the bullet hadn’t hurt him. He looked at the wound and only exclaimed with his raspy mocking tone:

‘’ It’s not fucking easy to get a hold of these jackets, fucking Christ….Fuck. If you weren’t so damn cute, I’d be mad. ‘’

Jennie suddenly brought her revolver up and aimed it towards Cain. Gerard was telling her to back down, but this once, she didn’t listen.

‘’ It’s been too long, Jennie….I’ve missed that cute face of yours. Those cuts….they match your skin so well. Beautiful…Beeeeeeautifuuuuuuul. ♪♫ ‘’

‘’ Go fucking die, you mummified piece of shit. ‘’

She put her finger over the trigger slowly and her one green eye was shining in anger.

Cain slowly began to walk towards her and the hand he had had resting on the hilt of his machete lustfully stroke it up and down slowly, almost erotically. He was giggling to himself, and Jennie was showing an expression of extreme loathing.

‘’ Not until I get to play with you oneeeeee last time. You and me, we are made for oneanother. Lovers starcrossed. ‘’

He then grasped it and took the machete out. The blade was polished to a mirror sheen, but the blade had been chipped, as if to make more damage when it struck.

Tuco put his other hand over his face and rubbed his eyes, sighing.

‘’ Cain, for Pete’s sake, don’t do that here. Have some decency towards the lady. ‘’

‘’ Sorry, will do….But honey, I’ll see you again when you feel like it’s time. ‘’

‘’ When I feel like it’s time to put a bullet in your fucking face. ‘’

Cain put his machete back in it’s sheath and walked back to the others, but not before winking to Jennie, who spat towards him. She was still aiming at him as he walked back, but she let go of the trigger.

 ‘’ Gerard…..nobody can shot me down before I’ve slit his throat…Bodyspasms and all that, so tell them all to back down. Shooting me means the death of the boy. ‘’

‘’ You heard him….drop your guns. ‘’

‘’ But Master… ‘’


Gerard looked back at Jennie, his voice bursting under anger, and she reluctantly put her gun back in it’s holster. She nodded towards Billy and the others quickly stood down.

‘’ That’s better. Me and my guys will leave now. We will contact you…..very soon. Then we can renegotiate and you may have your son back…not before. Do you understand, Gerry-boy? ‘’

‘’ I understand. I suppose my son is safe whilst in your hands? ‘’

Aiden looked towards his father in confusion and fright. Gerard was trying to look away, but he couldn’t.

‘’ As safe as he can be. He is my leverage. If he gets hurt, I lose my one way into that place behind you. You have my word as an honest man, Gerry-boy. Do I have your word that you wont shoot me in the back, or any of my men….OR that you follow us? Because you can TRUST that I WILL kill the boy if you so much as think in our general direction. ‘’

‘’ Yes. ‘’

‘’ Now…Boy….come here. You will be with us for a while. Don’t struggle…Make it easier on you….and your dad. ‘’


Aiden tried to wrench his way out, but Tuco locked his arm against his throat.

‘’ Kid, calm DOWN! ‘’

Tuco was raising his sword as if to strike down towards Aiden, but he stopped right before it could hit the jugular.

‘’ See? Not a scratch….Guys, time to signal the truck. Shoot the fucking flare. BOYS! ‘’

A red flare suddenly shot up from one of the house roofs, and in about 2 minutes, 4 blackpainted army-trucks had appeared behind Tuco and the others. He smiled as he saw the frightend faces of the people of Paradise.

Tuco began to walk backwards to the last truck by the end. He then quickly handed him over to one of the people inside, and then ran up to the passenger door. He pointed his katana up towards the sky and exclaimed:

‘’ Not today…not tomorrow….but mark these words, O people of Paradise. Your end is nigh, and once the day comes….we will come and reap what is rightfully fucking ours. Until then….please…enjoy the company of dear friends….and….enjoy the life you have been living….because as soon as we come back…..Things WILL change. Until then…..I suppose we’ll be in touch. Farewell. ‘’

Tuco then opened the truck door and signaled the others to come.  The last one that went towards the truck was Cain, who winked towards Jennie, who wanted to reach for her gun, but she didn’t, knowing Gerard’s rage and disappointment was something she hated to face far more than Cain.

The trucks all then started at the same time, the roar of their engines rumbling through the streets as they left, leaving behind the people of Paradise in confusion, anger and disappointment.

Once they had disappeared from sight, Gerard turned around and with sunken down shoulders began to walk back down the street, until Jennie shouted out towards him:

‘’ Look out! To the right! ‘’

From the alley next to him, Roscoe was walking towards him, his stomach cut open, guts hanging out, and blood dripping down his throat. His skin was colorless and his eyes blank. He snarled and gurgled as he moved towards Gerard.

Gerard looked back towards Jennie and told her and the others to not shoot. Gerard then didn’t try to fight back, and opened up his arms to embrace Roscoe.


Gerard had stuck a knife through the chin of Roscoe and up through his brain. He had kept it hidden in his sleeve, and his speed in drawing it had been impressive.

Once Roscoe had fallen to the ground, Jennie spoke out.

‘’ What the FUCK was that, master? Why didn’t we fight back just now? ‘’

‘’ Any bullet could’ve hit Aiden. You mustv’e realized that as well. You only shot Cain because of your history..impulse..but….You know shooting any more would’ve resulted in his death. This way….Aiden is safe….for now.  Tuco is a a cruel cunt of a man….but he has integrity…Honor. Some of it, atleast. ‘’

‘’ Integrity? Need I remind you what HE and his people did? We CAN’T trust him. He will be back….and there will be blood. ‘’

‘’ We can trust that he wont hurt Aiden. Tuco is not stupid. What he said about Aiden being leverage…Tuco wont hurt him. ‘’

‘’ Either way…We shouldn’t worry. We will come through….We just need to calm down…and think. ‘’

‘’ Look…I get it….but we cant fucking give up. We have defeated these fucks before. We can do so again. Strike before they even know what hit them. ‘’

‘’ Jennie….please…enough. I understand how you feel….and trust me, I want to strike back at that fucker more than anyone….but NOW is not the time. We…We need to work this out. ‘’

Gerard then pointed towards Negan and the others.

‘’ Negan, I want you and all of your people in the mainhall by tomorrow morning. We will think something out then….For now….Let’s all go back. Jennie…Can you and the others take care of Roscoe and the guards? Burn the bodies….It’s all we can do for them now. ‘’

‘’ Understood, master. ‘’

They all walked back, confused over what just happened, but the most worried and afraid were Negan. The paradise he had throught to be perfect….was cracked.



A few hours later, Jennie had gotten back to her room. It was decorated with expensive wooden furniture and burgundy leather sofas with gold lining and a big kingsized bed, most of it clearly put in afterwards rather than before the outbreak, as her room was unlike anyone else’s. The walls had been colored deep burgundy red.

She looked towards the minibar and pulled up a bottle of Silver Lightning Moonshine, and poured up one shot of it, next to an tray of 10 more shot glasses. She was about to down it when she heard a knock on the door.

‘’ Who is it? ‘’

‘’ Rude boy. I want to talk. ‘’

She chuckled and told him to come in the door opened and Billy’s towering silhouette was the first thing she saw at the door.

Billy’s hair was unkempt and unwashed, but his clothes were new. He had a cream colored vest over a darkgreen turtleneck, and he wore black jeans, and instead of his sneakers, he wore black oxfords. Around his neck, the two necklaces hung down towards his chest. His face was still stuck in the stern, taciturn expression it had been for days. His eyes however were open, and for once, he did not look frightening. Jennie told him to head over to the sofa, and he nodded and complied.

She sat down beside him and leaned against his shoulder. Billy moved away and sat at far to the left of the sofa.

‘’ You are no fun. ‘’

‘’ I didnt come here to be fun. I came here to talk. You always act this welcoming to your guests?  ‘’

‘’ Ha! Geez, no. You should’ve seen a few days ago. Alexander came over and knocked on my door. Tried to make some….move or whatever on me. Slammed the door so hard in his face he fell to the ground. It was hilarious. ‘’

‘’ Who is Alexander? ‘’

‘’ Alexander Davidson. You haven’t seen him? Old guy, has a big stache, wears an orange shirt so fucking garish it wasn’t even popular in the 70’s.  You haven’t seen him by now? ‘’

‘’ Well, stay away from him. Guy is a creep. He apparently was some big-shot back in wherever fucking-nowhere he came from. He said ladies loved him. I don’t believe him. A guy like that can’t get laid unless he fucking blackmails or forces them. I don’t see why we keep him around…but apparently Gerard thinks he’s on the level. Either way…he’s been harmless here. He flirts around with anyone without a dick, but it leads nowhere. ‘’

She went over to the foodtable and picked up the moonshine.

‘’ Billy, take some of this. It’s good for you. Straight from the united states to you. It’s not your top notch French wine or whatever…but it’s good enough. ‘’

She poured the whisky into 10 shot glasses, 5 for each other.

She downed one, her body shivering under the heavy and sharp taste. She looked towards Billy, who downed one without so much as a shiver.

‘’ Impressive. ‘’

‘’ What brings you here anyways? Lonely? I know how to change that. ‘’

Jennie put her hand on his lap, but he moved it away and looked out of the window. She rolled her eyes and leaned over to the other side of the sofa.

‘’ Jennie, I came here to ask you some things. I feel like going to Gerard directly….wouldnt be a great idea. I want to help. But I need to know some things first. Get to know you better. “

‘’ First of all….What is the deal with you and Gerard? Are you…. ‘’

She chuckled and shook her head.

‘’ My my, look who suddenly got curious. Well…If you thought….THAT, then No. We are not lovers. Thought has crossed my mind….but Gerard is an man….who is too focused on what he does for other pleasures. He works his ass off every day just to make the place safer and better for those who live her. That man….is a hero. If he is not interested, then I’am still glad to follow him as a subordinate….and friend. Why you’d ask? ‘’

‘’ Because I saw the boy call you Mother. ‘’

‘’ That…oh….well….I don’t know the history of it all too well, and Gerard doesn’t actually want anyone to know…but….Gerard lost his wife in the early days. Things happened….we all met up…and he grew to see me as his mother. I think it helps him cope….and Gerard doesn’t mind. He is all for the idea of not upsetting Aiden. I can’t imagine the pain he is in right now…..he must be so worried about Aiden…more than anyone of us. ‘’

She downed two more shots, and took a deep breath.

 ‘’ Well then. Now onto the more pressing matters at hand.  Jennie….tell me what happened back there. Who the fuck was that man? The bandaged one. You KNOW eachother, I could tell. ‘’

‘’ The fuck in bandages is Cain. Cain Gibbs. Motherfucker is the scum of scum. Long story short….He gets off of hurting people. He is Tuco’s lapdop…..and a very dangerous man.  He’s the guy that….well….did all of this. ‘’

She pointed towards the scars on her face and sighed, Billy noticing she didn’t want to go into details.

‘’ So take him down, we cripple this….Tuco’s group? ‘’

‘’ Yeah….And we are NOT gonna do that. Gerard ordered me to stay here…and that means you too, rude boy. Cain is dangerous…..Tuco even more so.  Tuco is the man holding the leash…Cain is his loyal pitbull. And Tuco is unpredictable…so you can never be safe around those two. Not only that, Tuco has a lot of guys under his thumb, and those guys are what most people here aren’t….sicko’s. Monsters with no care for human life. Dangerous. ‘

  ‘’ Also…about Cain…I don’t know why…but it’s like he doesnt feel pain. At all. Motherfucker is immortal. You saw it, didn’t you? That shot…Any other person would’ve been screaming in pain. But…nothing. And the fucker is covered head to toe in burns. I don’t see why he doesn’t feel nothing. ‘’

‘’ No, he cant be immortal. Congenital Analgesia. ‘’

‘’ What? ‘’

‘’ If he cant feel pain, it means he suffers from that. It is an nerve disorder, simply put, it severs the feeling of pain from your body. People suffering from it does not notice or feel pain whatsoever. They still suffer injuries like any other, but they do not FEEL the pain. Not like us. Never met one with that disease before, but I can see the results. ‘’

‘’ How do you know that? You a gangster or a nurse? ‘’

‘’ My wif…..My….My wife worked in medicine. She taught me….plenty….Even more than I ever learned when I got trained to become what I’am. ‘’

Billy’s voice became softer and solemn  and he looked down into his clasped hands. He put down the shot glass he was holding and pushed the tray away from himself.

‘’ Is she….Oh. That’s why you….That’s why you left yesterday, isn’t it? Fuck.  ‘’

‘’ Yeah….Pretty much. But I’am not here to mope. I’am here ONLY for the group. I can see that this can become something….something worthwhile….but not as long as we all live under the eye of some madman. ‘’

‘’ You talking about Paradise…or us? ‘’

Jennie put her hand on his shoulder, and looked right into Billy’s bright green eyes as he looked back. They were shining like green stars under the candlelight, as Jennie’s brown eye lit up like an sun from the flame’s reflection. No words were said and she retracted her hand and shook her head. She then leaned in towards him, locking her arms around his neck and only stopping right before their lips wouldv’e met. She thenmoed quickly over to her side of the sofa.

‘’ I….Sorry, I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying. ‘’

‘’ You don’t need to. You have downed to many shots is’all. Your eye is muddy….Your skin is flushed. A lightweight, I presume? ‘’

‘’ Fuck you.  I’m…I’m no fucking lightweight. ‘’

Billy raised up and began to walk over towards the door, and as he opened the door, he gave Jennie one last look.

 ‘’ Hey, Rude boy…..I’m glad you wanted to talk.I dont get ompany that often. ‘’

‘’ Sure. See ya tomorrow. I should get back to the others…Negan must be wondering where the fuck I’am. ‘’

He went out and closed the door. Inside, Jennie laid down on the sofa and smiled. She then looked out of the window, where she could see rainclouds forming under the pale full moon.

‘’ See you there….Billy. ‘’


Aiden woke up to the smell of rainwater. The room he was in had no lights and he couldnt make out where he was, or what type of building it was. He looked up and saw an open window two feet above him. He stood up and tried to climb up, but there was nothing to grab onto. He could see the light of the moon shine faintly through the clouds.

‘’ That wont work, kid. ‘’

The door had opened and Tuco was staring towards him across the room.

Aiden suddenly dashed from the bed and tried to make a run for the door, aiming for the opening on Tuco’s left side knowing that he wouldn’t be able to see him from that angle.

Just as he jumped get away from Tuo, Tuco had catched him in midair, holding him under his arm.

‘’ Kid, I’am an old man, but I’m not dumb. I knew you would aim for my left.  It is only logic. Now calm down and don’t fight. Will you do that? ‘’

‘’ Mhmmhm. ‘’

Tuco let Aiden get back on his feet and Aiden calmed down, as Tuco was still keeping his swords with him, and Aiden didn’t want to be on the other side of them ever again.

Tuco told him to follow and they went out of the room and came into another, with a big round table and an hallway behind it on the left right side.

On the table was a box of something, although Aiden didn’t see what it was. Tuco sat down and whistled for Aiden, who sat down instantly. Tuco’s tone was friendly, but Aiden didn’t trust him. Something about him sent a shiver down Aiden’s spine.

‘’ Kid…pass me the cigar.  ‘’

‘’ Cant you get it yourself? ‘’

Tuo moved his hand across the table, and then showed his empty palm.

‘’ No. I cant see it, unless you just noticed. It’s on my left, but i dont know where, could you please..? ‘’

Aiden pushed the box of cigars across the table towards Tuco, and Tuco took one up, just about to lit it when Aiden interrupted him.

‘’ Who did that to you? ‘’

‘’ The eye? Your daddy. He did it. He is the reason I look like….this. ‘’

Tuco let his index finger trail the scar from the bottom eyelid.

‘’ My dad wouldn’t do that. He’s not a bad guy. ‘’

‘’ Ha-ha. You mean to tell me your father himself doesn’t have an scar just like this? Who do you think gave him that? ‘’

‘’ Y-you? ‘’

‘’ Exacto-mundo. You pick up quick, kid. I guess you didn’t witness what happened back then. The children and the weak stayed behind….whilst us others fought for Paradise. As you can see…We lost. ‘’

‘’ But…YOU will be the key to our victory…You…. ‘’

He inhaled deeply and quickly on the cigar, and in one second, he began to cough violently.

‘’ Heh, *cough-cough* I cant seem to get these things…*cough-cough* right…..Wanna try, kid? ‘’

‘’ Ehh… ‘’

‘’ Lighten up, I was kidding. Kids cant smoke *cough* either way….although as it shows, neither can I…Hehehehe…..Anyhow..as I was saying…You…Hmm? ‘’

Aiden suddenly looked up and his fear came back. Tuco sighed and looked over to see who it was.

It was Cain, who had taken off his jacket, and wrapped up his shoulder, although blood was seeping into the bandages still, making a deepred spot where the bullet had struck.

‘’ Cain, how does your shoulder feel? Can you move it? ‘’

‘’ Ofcourse. Jennie didn’t hit me too bad. A little bit to the right and she’d hit the aorta. Then you can worry, boss.  ‘’

‘’ I wrapped it up good. Sucks about that jacket though. Got anything to spare, boss? Was my last one. ‘’

 ‘’ About that…..Cain….Apparently the boys found someone earlier today. She’s in your room. There was a man with her….but he got fucked up too badly. I guess you could take his clothes. The guys procured his body just in case he got anything on him. ‘’

‘’ Did they hurt the catch? ‘’

‘’ Like I would know. She is there…now go. Entertain yourself. I will stay and talk to the boy. ‘’

Cain waved goodbye to Tuco and walked towards the black door at the end of the cold stonewalled hall. He was whistling cheerfully as he came closer towards it.

He opened the door and went right in, inhaling the thick musky air.

The room had little to no natural light, the moonlight shining through an small window and hitting the end of the room being all that shone inside. There was a creaky old wooden bed in the corner to the left, and an table to the far right On it lay a large array of objects, some of them industrial, some of them meant for torture. Cain walked over to the table and looked at every single object, hatchets, screwdrivers, tasers and all of the others.

‘’ H…Help me… ‘’


Cain looked towards the woman on the other side of the room, her hands tied onto hooks coming out from the wall. She was exhausted and barely awake and she had many cuts and bruises across her body, her clothing torn and her pants bloodied, showing signs of previously being violated. Cain stared at her before suddenly running up and kicking her in the stomach, causing her to puke up a large quantity of blood.

‘’ Fucking idiots. I told them to not damage the catch….Now look at you, lady. You are broken. Fucked up. Spoiled. I cant have no fun with you. What a fucking shame….*sigh* ‘’

‘’ Please let me go…..I…I’ll do anything. Anything. ‘’

He grabbed ahold of her hair and tugged on it until she looked up at him, groaning in pain.

‘’ Aint no thing that can help you, lady. You don’t interest me in that way, and besides….You got a ring in your finger. I aint nobody to break the laws of marriage…I got honor that way. On the other hand….the other laws can go fuck themselves.  ‘’


She couldn’t finish the sentence, and she began to cry, as Cain merely kept staring down at her.

‘’ So what? Do I look like I give one fuck about that? If the others had some fun with you before taking you here…That aint nothing I care about. All I care about…. ‘’

Cain let his machete go across the concrete, making sparks as it went across the wall and an awful noise as he walked towards the woman.

‘’ ..Is to make sure my path goes on for as long as I can. ‘’

‘’ W-why….Why does this happen…..WHY? ‘’

‘’ Now…see here, Lady. The way I see it….This was meant to happen as soon as you were born into this world. Everything you EVER did….going to school…learning ABC….getting high grades….First love…First fuck…job…..marriage….All of that….All of it was meant to send you here. Cause…you see….I believe everything you do lead you on your path towards the end. The end that we all see one day. Death. It is an new age. One that lets you see more clearly where your life will take you. It’s…kinda fucking beautiful. *chuckle* ‘’

He then lifted it up in a high swing and he uttered a few words before delivering the sentence of death:

‘’ Welcome to the new age, you sorry fuck. ‘’


End of chapter 13.

This has been chapter 13, and things are picking up. We see the new villains of the story, Billy and Jennie have a moment, and we see just how despicable these guys are. 

The title and quote is because it fight nicely with the last line.

Chapter 14 will be out soon, and…it’ll be VERY intense.
