#welllllllllll thats my queue




In a land overseen by a distant goddess, a troubled messenger and a purposeless knight are brought together by their desperate wishes, a little magic, and a cunning plan.

Written for the Tales From Hyrule zine.

At long last, here it is! My contribution to the @botwfairytale zine <3 I’ve been sitting on this fic for months and I’m so excited to finally share it with y'all. This story is a companion piece to @artbychromo’s stunning illustrations, which I will link here as soon as they’re posted.

Hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!✨



Hello! We’ll be opening our leftover sale tonight at midnight PST! We have three different bundles for you to choose from if you missed Pre-Orders! You can check them out at our store

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or see the images below the cut!

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artbychromo: Hello my old heart~ had art block, drew Extreme Self Indulgence! this is also sort of a


Hello my old heart~

had art block, drew Extreme Self Indulgence! this is also sort of a study of one of nesskain’s piece’s—I’m really into their lighting

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botwfairytale: Only one day left until preorders open! Are you excited? We sure are! Preorders will


Only one day left until preorders open! Are you excited? We sure are! Preorders will be opening at 2pm PST, with a special early bird surprise for the first 50 orders on our full bundle!

Art by daeyumi

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