

Anonymous asked: I’ve been rereading Imprinted and I was wondering if you’d ever do a headcanon on when Bomi shot Mingyu like you did with Bomi and Jaehee’s mate? I just want to know more about what happened but I understand if you don’t want to


a/n: okay this ask was sitting in my inbox for a long ass time bc i forgot about it lmao. but fun fact!!!! in the original svt imprinted i planned on actually writing all of that out in his first part and it was gonna be the first thing that happened in the part, but i felt it wasn’t super necessary and made it kinda long. but here’s the backstory!!! (and yes this is a prequel to the first part). but to the anon who requested this: i am so sorry for being so late ily

Warnings: guns and blood!!! but if you’ve read the story you know that nobody dies

Mingyu part 1|Mingyu part 2|Imprinted Masterlist

  • so as we know, Bomi used to be a werewolf hunter
  • she was with Namjoon’s crew and was assigned a mission on her own, but Yoongi promised to be waiting for her when she was done
  • because the two were really close
  • her mission was to kill the pup of Seungcheol’s pack in an attempt to have some sort of start to getting rid of the large pack and to have a bit of an upper hand
  • because the pack would be too distraught over the loss of their brother to retaliate right away, so then they could strike
  • now, before meeting Mingyu, Bomi despisedwerewolves
  • her parents were killed by werewolves but we already knew that
  • so she was fine with having to go in and fuck up Chan’s day
  • meanwhile, Chan had no idea what was about to come
  • the pup had a really late class that day and was just getting out
  • it was already dark outside but Mingyu was waiting in the parking lot to pick him up
  • did Bomi know that? of course not
  • she just knew that Chan would be alone and that was the perfect time to make her move
  • she was waiting by the fence at the edge of the parking lot. it was dark and not near any streetlamps, and it was right by the woods so she could drag him away and do it
  • as he was passing by, she lunged out and put a cloth laced with silver in his mouth, gripping it behind his head and dragging him backwards into the darkness
  • but out of the corner of his eye, Mingyu had seen his brother walking over, and then he saw a shadow and Chan was gone
  • naturally, he went to investigate
  • Bomi managed to spin Chan around despite his struggling, shoving him to the forest floor and aiming her gun at him
  • in Chan’s panic (and with his mouth, y’know, burning) he had no idea what was happening, but now he sensed it. he knew what she was and what was going to happen
  • “Bye, puppy,” she smirked
  • a growl ripped through the silent forest as Mingyu lunged out of nowhere and pushed Bomi up against a tree, her back slamming into it
  • and then it hit them both at the same time
  • Mingyu’s red eyes softened, his expression falling and his teeth no longer bared
  • Bomi’s eyes went wide and the first thing she felt was panic
  • this wasn’t right. it was against everything she believed in. what was she supposed to do?!
  • Mingyu’s face was inches from her, so her first instinct was to shove him away
  • and in her confused panic, she did the only thing she could think to do
  • she shot him
  • the silver bullet hit his shoulder, and with a hiss of pain, Mingyu fell to the ground beside Chan
  • Chan stared at his brother in horror, and then looked up at Bomi with a mix of hurt and confusion
  • his eyes filled with tears knowing silver could kill Mingyu
  • looking between the pup and his brother, she actually felt…bad. why did she feel bad?
  • ‘because you’re no better than them now,’ she realized
  • like monsters had taken the people she loved from her, she was taking someone Chan loved from him
  • she were the monster
  • “I-I…” Bomi stammered, but she didn’t know what to say. she didn’t even know what to do, she was just frozen in place
  • the pup was suddenly on top of her, and her back was hitting the ground
  • since Chan had taken her off guard, her gun fell from her hand when she hit the ground, so she had to fight back with her arms and legs
  • but she wasn’t doing that for long because Chan was suddenly pulled off of her, and then she was staring down the barrel of her own gun
  • above her, Mingyu’s face was set in a grimace and Bomi thought she was definitely in trouble
  • “Call Seungcheol,” Mingyu told Chan through clenched teeth
  • but Bomi was in a different kind of trouble than she thought
  • then he managed a hint of a smirk as he told her, “You’re coming with us.”