#werewolfwill miller



Working on chapter 2 of wisteria and moonlight, I think I may have finally passed the wall I hit - updated

Then diving into the Moon in May masterlist bc I can’t wait to read all about wolves today. I was too depleted yesterday, but I’ll start later today.



Wisteria & Moonlight

Chapter 1: Following the Tracks

Werewolf! Will Miller x Ofc

Words: 2,488 || fic info||next

Summary: Ajani’s journey to locate her missing brother leads her into a wolfs den. (Story originally written 2012, revised for my Miller trio)

For@clydesducktapeMoon in May challenge (week 1)

An: A moodboard at the end offers a visual of more characters

Prompts used this week: new moon, alpha

⚠️ warnings: GENERAL werewolf stuff, biting, some violence and aggression, excessive partying/ drinking, rowdy behavior, a missing person, mentions of adoption, sexual energy/vibes cause werewolves! || THIS CHAPTER: missing person

Everything about this place sets her alarms blaring. Ajani was way outside of the city now: deep forests to her left, the road back to civilization to her right, and before her an abandoned railroad crossing with the bar a few feet away.

At first glance, it looks as expected, some old building still standing, one that was always some kind of bar or late-night joint. One with stories seeped into its foundation. Above the door hangs a sign, the letters carved and painted in red: The Last Exit.

Fitting, Ajani thinks to herself. With the rickety old tracks between her and the bar, she builds up her strength. She can feel the knot in her stomach tightening.

Keep reading

The set up is immaculate. I love all the background and world building you’re doing here. The atmosphere is so vibrant and you truly put us in this space.

So so dang good!

thank you so much

I’m glad you enjoyed it like you, I am a fan of world building. I think it’s fun & sets things up nicely for the reader.
