#wes porter




Sea of People

AO3 Link
Fandom: High School Story Prime
Pairing:Wes Porter & Simon Klein (M!MC) (GEN)
Length: 612 Words
Rating: General Audiences (if u ignore the one (1) cuss word)
Prompt: an image of a large group of people, many with rainbow flags
Summary:Large crowds of people aren’t for everyone, even if its an event for gay people and you are a gay people.
A/N:for@choicespride. just personally speaking, as someone who gets overwhelmed in crowds. today’s prompt image of a crowd is vaguely overwhelming to me. so i wanted to write something that reflected that. also i havent ever written wes before so if he’s not in character. whoops. its a 600 word fic idc.

Simon knew he should be enjoying himself, but he was hot, and thirsty, and his binder had never felt as tight as it did now, with sweat suctioning it to his chest. Not to mention the crowds, and with crowds came noise, and noise meant overstimulation, but he didn’t dare turn off his hearing aid just in case he needed it to find the friends he had lost after his band, Kingslayer, finished their set.

It had been nice to be up on stage with his friends, since they all went their separate ways after graduation, but now that the event had lost it’s shine- at least for him, anyway- all Simon felt was tired and overwhelmed.

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