#west coast avengers

West Coast Avengers #60 (1990)Writer: Roy Thomas and Dann ThomasArtist: Paul RyanMagneto is the kind

West Coast Avengers #60 (1990)

Writer: Roy Thomas and Dann Thomas

Artist: Paul Ryan

Magneto is the kind of dad that you call child protect services on

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AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene AMERICA CHAVEZ READING ORDER: Ms America (2011-2019)Reality-hopping Ms America burst onto the scene


Reality-hoppingMs America burst onto the scene as a member of the Teen Brigade before being recruited into the Young AvengersbyLoki. She’s gone on to become the leader of the Ultimates, faced Thanos himself, formed an unusual bond with Galactus and joined the West Coast Avengers!

THE GUIDE:America Chavez 2011-2019

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