#what a wild dream im still trying to unpack it all


So, last night, I had this really weird dream, whereupon @matildaswan was coming for a visit, so we were all at my house (all being @ddagent@rexwolfe@asfarascruithne@sententiousandbellicose@ktlsyrtis@sasstermasters-quarter as well as a few others whose tumblrs I do not know, and some childhood friends) and trying to have a good sleepover, but I lived in this open plan place w a spiral staircase leading to upstairs, and I’d warned my mother to stay away, but my Dad turned up w cans of lager (fosters of all things, and he HATES Fosters ), and bc we’d run out of drinkable alcohol, he was chucking them up the spiral staircase over the railing, but then he came upstairs and let a can drop and it burst (of course it fucking burst, he said, and I had to clean it up bc he wasn’t capable) and then suddenly we were outside playing an RP American Civil War game, but with baseballs that my dad was trying to teach everyone to use as footballs, which turned into Paw Patrol bouncy balls, and then I was confronted over a fence by my childhood best friend (that spooked the fuck out of me) and someone else on her team that was wearing Man Utd shirts, and then suddenly there’s like 5 of us back in my mother’s “penthouse” sharing a mahoosive bed, trying to watch Philip Schofield on some random show, and all me, Matilda and Kelly are trying to do is have a threesome. We weren’t allowed to be seen drinking together bc it would compromise all of our collaborative research on Matilda’s paper, the only reason she had funding to come to the UK. Hence the sleepover that descended into this madness.

And then I got woken up by my mother asking me if I had bedsores from sleeping so long on her sofa. So, my underlying question from all of this is…. @matildaswan : do you have a B&W whole back tattoo?? Because I saw some dots under a jumper but nothing more, and I’m always intrigued by tattoos
