#what do you want



so fucked up that so much of our lives is dedicated to being a good student & good employee. it is no longer enough to have good grades or to do ur job well now u have to manufacture this narrative of yourself that is perfectly tailored to what universities &employers want to see. this is why we cant settle for being amateurs at anything I think.. we have so little free time & yet we feel like spending it without being “productive” is laziness…. I want to bake mediocre bread. & collect cool rocks. take naps. play tennis badly. try rock climbing. boil eggs to put in my pockets & eat at the park. fuck everything else


I feel like I should ask you all want you want to see more of since I post a lot of ass and titties. Any special positions? I don’t want you all getting bored with me now


Haven’t drawn or written Muffet in a long long while and I was starting to miss her
