#what is this even

San Francisco, California. $1050.00 “room for rent” “One block to 3rd street city

San Francisco, California. $1050.00

“room for rent”

“One block to 3rd street city transit”

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Discovering the Amazon

Discovering the Amazon

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Well, my muse did it again! She is completely ignoring all my WIPs and taking me into one shot territory again. I am all about obeying her when she calls, however, so here we are!

Where did this idea start? Perhaps it started when I messaged a seller on Mercari and then thought, “God, I hope he doesn’t think I’m hitting on him!” (I wasn’t, I am happily married, thank you very much.) Most likely, however, it started when we got a new puppy and named him Bucky Barnes. Ironically, he proceeded two weeks ago to chew up my nine year old’s brand new Falcon as Captain America mini figure which led to heartbreaking tears which led me to be a crazy mom on Mercari. My muse asked, “What if?” and here we are - with this ridiculous fic. 

Rating: G

Words: Just shy of 2k

Also on Ao3 

This ******************* signifies breaks in time between conversations. 

A Strange Way to Fall in Love

yellowbug83: Hi! I just purchased your Falcon as Captain America mini figure. It’s actually my second attempt at buying it. I’m not a Karen - I swear! It’s just, I gave the seller two weeks to ship, and the guy said it was finals week, so I was really, really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but my kid kept bugging me if it had shipped yet, and then the guy ghosted me, so … yeah, I canceled the order. (I apologize in advance that I tend to type sort of stream of consciousness, so this may get long.) The reason I want this minifigure so damn bad is because my nine year old got one for his birthday in January, but two weeks ago, our new puppy (ironically named Bucky Barnes) chewed him to pieces lol. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with Mercari up to this point, but now I’m nervous about ever getting my son a replacement! You have no idea how he sobbed over it. So, I’m just a desperate mom humbly asking for reassurance I guess, haha. 

yellowbug83: I’m kind of embarrassed at the word vomit. Ignore me. You’ve got 483 reviews, and only three people gave you one or two stars, so I’m probably stressing over nothing. 

Killian couldn’t stop laughing as he read over the messages from his newest sale on his Mercari account. Yellowbug83, whoever she was, obviously was the type of person who shot straight, and he had always liked that in a person. 

“What’s so funny?” Liam asked as he walked out of the kitchen with a turkey sandwich in one hand. 

“These messages on my Mercari account.” 

Killian held up his phone so his brother could see. Liam chuckled as he read. 

 “Better ship within three days, or you’ll crush a little boy’s spirit.”

“I always ship within three days. See my seller badges?”

Liam rolled his eyes. “I still can’t believe you’ve got a side hustle selling Legos of all things.”

Killian shrugged. “I like building the sets, but I’m not a collector. As you can see, I also bring joy to the lives of children.”

“Or to the lives of thirty year olds with Lego channels on YouTube.”

“Well, them too.”

Killian clicked on the chat button to respond to yellowbug83. 

jollyroger:  I must say I have never received such entertaining or delightful messages on this site, so no need to apologize. Let me assure you that your lad’s minifigure will be in the mail within the recommended three days. Actually, my schedule is open for me to ship the item first thing tomorrow. I take it your boy is a Marvel fan, given his passion for his destroyed minifigure and the name of his new pup. I too find those two particular characters extremely fascinating and feel that the show The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has some of the best storytelling and character development in the MCU. Your son has excellent taste. I find it immensely amusing that his Falcon mini figure was mutilated by a dog named Bucky Barnes. The irony is almost too much!

yellowbug83: I’m relieved that you don’t think I’m a psycho mom. On my end, I’ve never received such an eloquent message on this site. Were you a British novelist in another life? Haha (isn’t it annoying that Mercari doesn’t allow emojis?) As for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, I’m probably a horrible mother for letting an eight year old watch such a violent show, but yes, it was very good. In my defense I did skip that brutal murder scene. That John Walker was a sleeze ball, wasn’t he? God, I hated him!

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This is so amazing!!!! And I love that this was the way they met and fell in love!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
