#what was coming



The Winchester Pack is the sequel ofKnocked-upandWhat was comingbased on requests about the twins.

This first one was requested by @roonyxx :

Warnings : Rebel teen, mention of teen sexuality (nothing disturbing), very slight angst. Daddy!Dean

Words : 1653

Note : This is the very first time I write in one of the twin’s Pov.


Ray’s Pov

I knock at the parents’ room, hoping one of them is here.

“Yeah ?” dad answers.

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It was really great ! I loved it ^^

I loved reading Ray’s point of view on his parents. It was very nice to mention them and their relationship with an external point of view because when it’s Dean’s or the reader’s, of course I love it but they let their own feeling talk and I think it’s great to see another point of view about them and see how they appear to other people !

Taking off his glasses, he rubs his eyes.

Aaaaw he has glasses !

Hehehe I love to see Dean protective over his car, refusing to let it (her) be driven even by his own son !

So all he asks for is that I don’t make momma-wolf crazy.

I hope you know how I love that she’s ‘momma-wolf’

It’s funny to see how Ray is like Dean, even with the ladies

I loved to see the different way the twins act in a fight and I like that it’s this way !

I knew before she did, but she was hiding it to herself a little.

I like that. Very very much

Their talk in front of the girls made me snort, I loved it ! And then the end is so so sweet ! I love how Ray cheered his sister up, how you showed he cared about her and their bound. I find it funny that they can now talk about their taste in girls ahah I loved to read about how each one resembles to each parent. I loved how you mentioned Ray being momma’s baby and June being Daddy’s princess, it’s cute ^^

It was fun and nice to see them interact as siblings, to see a bit of how they react to things and of couuuuurse they are mischievous !

I really liked reading this and can’t wait to read more about them :) In the meantime, I’ll try to think of other ideas to request ^^


The Winchester Pack is the sequel ofKnocked-upandWhat was comingbased on requests about the twins.

This first one was requested by @eevvvaa​ :

Warnings : Fluffiness

Words : 887


         Dean’s Pov

Waking up, I stretch my arms carefully, a content smile on my face.

Keep reading

It was soooooo adorable !!! So cute and nice and I love to see Dean like this ! Your idea of writing drabbles to show us how they live all together, how Dean acts as a father and the happiness of all of them is such a great idea. I loved this first sneak peek of their lives !!

now that my wife shares my bed

Aaaaaaw c’est sa feeeeemmme ! I mean, it’s his wife, oh I love it, them !

The nightmares almost disappeared anyway.

I love when sleeping next to someone he loves (especially a girl, his girl) the nightmares go away..

But when my tiny princess sneaks up in the room, silent through the dark like a baby ninja, and struggles to climb on the bed to reach me, I don’t remember why I agree. She snuggles up against my chest, her little hand fisting my t-shirt, to hold it against her nose like her comfort blanket, and all my promises to Y/n are forgotten.

I can’t quote your whole drabble but oh my.. I put my hand on my mouth at how cute it is !!! It’s so so nice and I love how you write Dean as a Dad. I can see this scene and my heart melts…

Almost jumping off his chair, and making my heart skip a beat when he almost falls on his face

Oh I love that sentence, the little scared for his son instinct

“Happy Daddy day, Daddy” June says softly, waving her frosted hand at me.

Aaw it’s absolutely adorable !!!

I walk to Y/n to kiss her lips, my boy still relishing his fingers in my arms. On the counter in front of her, a beautiful homemade apple pie.

I love their little family so much… I’m happy that they are happy 

How can the other billion people on the planet live without her ?

I always love those little sentences showing Dean in love.

The three little parts on each one of them, the love he has for his daughter, his son and his wife.. It’s sooooo cute, so beautiful and I love that he is happy with them, that he has a little family like this one ! I also love that they live in the bunker like that, that he gets to realize it’s possible to have a family in the life he lives. In the bunker. As hunters.

I am the father in the Pack.

I just loved this.

It was soooooo cute !!!!!!!


Hi amazing people !

So I have an announcement to make : As you know, Knocked-upwas the story of how the Winchesters twins came to existence, and What was coming was a piece of their teen life. 

Now, I still have to fill in between their birth and what they are becoming, the next generation of Winchesters!

I thought I would just write it but several people asked about them and about my requests, so I had this idea : How about you are the one asking ? This will make a story that is not in order but totally parts of the same puzzle (Kinda like the series This is us).

So here we are : You can ask any part of the twins life, and of Dean and Y/n with them. Go nuts : What if Ray got arrested ?The twins first steps ?Dean’s reaction to June’s first date ? … Anything (Yet, I keep the right to decline a request if it’s really too specific or out of character). 

Let’s start my own little sequel with the ones who are interested !

The whole story with :


WHAT WAS COMING (Years later)


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I looooooove this idea !!!

When can we start sending you requests ? And how many can we send you ?


The Winchester Pack is the sequel ofKnocked-upandWhat was comingbased on requests about the twins.

This first one was requested by @roonyxx :

Warnings : Rebel teen, mention of teen sexuality (nothing disturbing), very slight angst. Daddy!Dean

Words : 1653

Note : This is the very first time I write in one of the twin’s Pov.


Ray’s Pov

I knock at the parents’ room, hoping one of them is here.

“Yeah ?” dad answers.

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Omg Ray is the sweeeeteeeest. I love how he exactly knows what she neeeeds! (Chocolate and yummy girls hahaha awesome). And that he is risking the scolding for it, absolutely amazing



The Winchester Pack is the sequel ofKnocked-upandWhat was comingbased on requests about the twins.

This first one was requested by @eevvvaa​ :

Warnings : Fluffiness

Words : 887


         Dean’s Pov

Waking up, I stretch my arms carefully, a content smile on my face.

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This was SO freaking cute that I could physically melt into a puddle from cuteness.

From Dean braiding June’s hair to Ray’s enthousiasme and June wearing a scooby shirt. I LOVE the details. It makes this perfect family so realistic!

This Pack is incredible and I can’t wait to read more about theeeeem



Hi amazing people !

So I have an announcement to make : As you know, Knocked-upwas the story of how the Winchesters twins came to existence, and What was coming was a piece of their teen life. 

Now, I still have to fill in between their birth and what they are becoming, the next generation of Winchesters!

I thought I would just write it but several people asked about them and about my requests, so I had this idea : How about you are the one asking ? This will make a story that is not in order but totally parts of the same puzzle (Kinda like the series This is us).

So here we are : You can ask any part of the twins life, and of Dean and Y/n with them. Go nuts : What if Ray got arrested ?The twins first steps ?Dean’s reaction to June’s first date ? … Anything (Yet, I keep the right to decline a request if it’s really too specific or out of character). 

Let’s start my own little sequel with the ones who are interested !

The whole story with :


WHAT WAS COMING (Years later)


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Today is the twins birthday !




Hi amazing people !

So I have an announcement to make : As you know, Knocked-upwas the story of how the Winchesters twins came to existence, and What was coming was a piece of their teen life. 

Now, I still have to fill in between their birth and what they are becoming, the next generation of Winchesters!

I thought I would just write it but several people asked about them and about my requests, so I had this idea : How about you are the one asking ? This will make a story that is not in order but totally parts of the same puzzle (Kinda like the series This is us).

So here we are : You can ask any part of the twins life, and of Dean and Y/n with them. Go nuts : What if Ray got arrested ?The twins first steps ?Dean’s reaction to June’s first date ? … Anything (Yet, I keep the right to decline a request if it’s really too specific or out of character). 

Let’s start my own little sequel with the ones who are interested !

The whole story with :


WHAT WAS COMING (Years later)


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