#what would i do without you

evanbuckleydaily: EVAN BUCKLEY ✺ 9-1-1 | 2.15 - Ocean’s 9-1-1[image ID: 3 captioned gifs of Buck in evanbuckleydaily: EVAN BUCKLEY ✺ 9-1-1 | 2.15 - Ocean’s 9-1-1[image ID: 3 captioned gifs of Buck in evanbuckleydaily: EVAN BUCKLEY ✺ 9-1-1 | 2.15 - Ocean’s 9-1-1[image ID: 3 captioned gifs of Buck in


EVAN BUCKLEY9-1-1 | 2.15 - Ocean’s 9-1-1

[image ID: 3 captioned gifs of Buck in the firehouse loft from 9-1-1 season 2 episode 15.
gif 1: Buck sits at the table, speaking and gesturing with his hands. The caption reads “So let’s see if I got this right. The fake nerve agent attack was a distraction for the armored car robbery..”
gif 2: A close-up of Buck speaking. The caption reads “which was a distraction for the diamond heist.”
gif 3: Buck looks at Chimney and leans back in his chair. The caption reads “Crime is hard.” /end ID]

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