#whats really cool is being passionate about things




(^ guy who watched 1 ep of snw and thinks he can criticize all of new trek) okay the problem with SNW and why it doesn’t feel the same as old trek is because it feels the need to do that quippy marvel “well that just happened” type humor or whatever where Pike gets hung up on while on subspace with an alien and he turns back to his crew like “um…. Okay… ” or he beams in on heated debate between two leaders of an alien race and he’s like “Erm…. Hi? ” like really just serving the “wow… this is awkward!!” Vibe and it’s like bro. Imagine if Sisko did that. Imagine if when the worm hole opened for the first time Dax was like “um guys…. Big hole in the sky alert… ” and Kira was like “what the fffferengi is that!” LIKE NO THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN, INSTEAD THEY ALL JUST REACTED BY DOING THE JOBS THEY WERE TRAINED AN HIRED TO DO. And that’s the huge issue with having your characters point out how weird everything that’s happening to them is and making comments about it because like yeah, it’s super weird to us as the audience to be flying around space and interacting with aliens, but to them IT SHOULD JUST BE THEIR LIVES. New Trek isn’t confident in itself enough to play it completely straight. The inherent nature of Star Trek is that weird shit is going to happen. That is the show. And back in the good old days, no matter how weird the shit was, it was always played straight. Even when Beverly crusher was getting her back blown out by a Scottish ghost the character didn’t turn to each other and go “I’m sorry…. Dr crusher is having sex with a ghost?…. Ummm imma need you to run that by me again ” NO THEY WERE LIKE “okay how are we going to defeat this evil Scottish ghost” BECAUSE it was a story about professionals doing their jobs. It’s so un-immersive when a show keeps reminding you how weird everything is, it kills the magic and makes it hard for the viewer to really get into the story they are trying to tell. Be confident about your weird shit or don’t add it at all

Annnddddd you know I feel like this is a problem that comes from the fact we all have to pretend like we are cool these days. Like even on here I see people post all the time like “Star Trek my dumb little stupid unrealistic camp shitty budget horrible show (affectionate)” and it’s like why. If we like Star Trek can’t we just say that we like it. Can’t we go back to a time when we just loved stuff with our entire hearts and didn’t have to put some contingent where we acknowledge it’s stupid. Like guess what. If you like something then it’s not stupid. Have some self respect man. Say it with your chin up and your whole chest and heart. Say it with seriousness. Look straight into the eyes of everyone you talk to and tell them with everything that’s in you “I love Star Trek” enough with this post ironic bullshit it ends here.
