
YoursCassandra Pentaghast x Owain TrevelyanRating: Explicit (smut, with feelings) | Words: 4732Summa


Cassandra Pentaghast x Owain Trevelyan

Rating: Explicit (smut, with feelings) | Words:4732

Summary: An evening among courtiers in Orlais leaves Cassandra a little jealous, but the Inquisitor is more than happy to help work out her frustrations. 

Shameless. Absolutely shameless.

They circle like beasts on the hunt, like carrion birds, hungry. They flirt and flatter, hiding their intentions behind masks and fans and simpering smiles, flaunting their jewels, gowns, and ever-lowering necklines.

The Inquisitor stands among them in the middle of the ballroom. He, too, has sharpened his claws for the occasion. His coat is new, a deep midnight blue and cut to the advantage of his height, breadth, and strong, solid lines. He is fresh-shaven, scrubbed and shined to his most dashing.

He is, in short, radiant.

And it works. Even on her. No, especially on her.

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