#dragon age fanfiction


This is going to be the angsty start of a series about Hawke and my Inquisitor Lavellan. Albeit here, not being yet inquisitor. Would you like me to turn these into comics? Let me know below.


Somewhere in the Free Marches, 3 years prior the Temple of Sacred Ashes

The silence settled for a moment between them, the soft hum of the wind the only sound in the meadow. Then, the elf spoke, clutching her staff close to her body.

- You know I have to, Hawke.- Eren insisted. Her eyes were pointed, narrowed, on the patch of grass between the man’s feet.

- Let me come with you at least - His voice always steady, but barely composed.

-  You can’t, Hawke. How could I let you? It’s about my clan.

- It is always about your bloody clan! - He cried out - your traditions, your ideas, yourfamily. But them, they don’t care about you! What about our family, Eren?

Eren raised her eyes towards Hawke. He was much bigger than she, cloaked and armed, but in that moment she felt she could shatter him. She saw it in his eyes. She was so angry.

-You go about, Champion of Kirkwall - she spit the title in his face - with your tormented past, looking as if you can just sweep me off my feet, and drag me away from my responsibilities—He stepped heavily towards her, his hands open at his sides as though summoning some kind of energy from the soil beneath him- Don’t! - she interrupted him, her eyes now unfocused with anger. - You can’t see me over that past of yours. So you know what? If you don’t respect me, my culture, if you don’t try, why are you here still?-

-Because! - he grabbed her shoulders, gaping desperately at her - Because you can be my family.

Eren shoved him away.


That, that silenced him. And she knew she should have regretted the words, and would, later. But she was tired of him dragging her back into his glorious shadow, over, and over again. And she was actually enjoying making him suffer now, see him bend over the cruel truth hidden behind her words, no matter how much she loved him, she knew it had to be done.

-You keep losing your family. Even before it is born, it seems - She said, while instinctively shifting a hand over her own belly - but you don’t know what it means, still.

She turned away then.

- Go back to your Kirkwall, Champion. Forget about me, and the Lavellan name.

She said, and without looking back, she rode off towards the Dales, to her clan, which she had left for a long time for this man.

And Hawke stood there, the wind now screeching in his ears, nails on glass.

YoursCassandra Pentaghast x Owain TrevelyanRating: Explicit (smut, with feelings) | Words: 4732Summa


Cassandra Pentaghast x Owain Trevelyan

Rating: Explicit (smut, with feelings) | Words:4732

Summary: An evening among courtiers in Orlais leaves Cassandra a little jealous, but the Inquisitor is more than happy to help work out her frustrations. 

Shameless. Absolutely shameless.

They circle like beasts on the hunt, like carrion birds, hungry. They flirt and flatter, hiding their intentions behind masks and fans and simpering smiles, flaunting their jewels, gowns, and ever-lowering necklines.

The Inquisitor stands among them in the middle of the ballroom. He, too, has sharpened his claws for the occasion. His coat is new, a deep midnight blue and cut to the advantage of his height, breadth, and strong, solid lines. He is fresh-shaven, scrubbed and shined to his most dashing.

He is, in short, radiant.

And it works. Even on her. No, especially on her.

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Chapter 25 Excerpt:
Varric had known the two of them had been sharing a bed as of late. Hell, they’d slept in the same tent all the way up here. Still, he had a feeling they were only sleeping together, not sleeping together. Call it a hunch.He was pulled from his musings when the innkeeper mentioned that their companion was waiting at the inn’s tavern for their arrival. Fenris looked to Varric, eyebrow raised. Varric feigned ignorance and shook his head. Oh, he definitely had an idea of who it was, and he wanted this to be a surprise.

Tabula Rasa

Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition

Fenris/Male Hawke

After a long separation, Fenris travels to Skyhold in search of Garrett Hawke. He arrives too late - Hawke is gone, left in the Fade. But time moves onward, and Fenris must move with it. Months later, an unexpected discovery pulls Fenris back to Skyhold, and to someone he thought he’d lost forever. Hawke has returned. But things have changed, and he is no longer the man he once was before.

[Latest Chapter on Ao3||Start at the Beginning]


Chapter 25 Excerpt:
Varric had known the two of them had been sharing a bed as of late. Hell, they’d slept in the same tent all the way up here. Still, he had a feeling they were only sleeping together, not sleeping together. Call it a hunch.He was pulled from his musings when the innkeeper mentioned that their companion was waiting at the inn’s tavern for their arrival. Fenris looked to Varric, eyebrow raised. Varric feigned ignorance and shook his head. Oh, he definitely had an idea of who it was, and he wanted this to be a surprise.

Tabula Rasa

Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition

Fenris/Male Hawke

After a long separation, Fenris travels to Skyhold in search of Garrett Hawke. He arrives too late - Hawke is gone, left in the Fade. But time moves onward, and Fenris must move with it. Months later, an unexpected discovery pulls Fenris back to Skyhold, and to someone he thought he’d lost forever. Hawke has returned. But things have changed, and he is no longer the man he once was before.

[Latest Chapter on Ao3||Start at the Beginning]

Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition (Post-Trespasser)
Pairings: Various
Word Count: 15653
Chapters: 9/?

Over a year has passed since the Inquisition was disbanded. To many the world appears settled, but across Thedas new conflicts are brewing.

In Denerim, two Friends of Red Jenny are recruited to hunt a dangerous criminal. An unexpected election rocks Rialto’s Circle of Magi. Caravans on the Imperial Highway are harried by unknown attackers.

Behind it all, a larger storm gathers.

Chapter One|Chapter Two|Chapter Three|Chapter Four|Chapter Five|Chapter Six|Chapter Seven|Chapter Eight |Chapter Nine

I wrote the first part of an Alistair x Tabris two shot because I’m in Dragon Age hell and a certain dorky Warden owns my soul now ✊ enjoy

Title: The Talk

Rating: Adult

Summary: Bethany gives her own shovel talk.

Notes:  I was on a Bethany binge and got really fed up of the amount of controlling Garret Hawkes there were threatening anyone Bethany has sex with. That shit is messed up. A response. ~1500 words


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Title: Stacks Of Criminality

Rating: T

Summary: Aveline is attracted to the starring role of her quarterly crime report and also her backup.

Notes: Never written Aveline before. Not sure I’ve gotten her quite right. ~2100 words.


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Title: I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.

Rating: T

Pairing: Josephine/F!Hawke

Summary: Hawke met Josephine once before.

Notes: I didn’t quite expect this fic to turn out like this or for there to be so much tea. Originally written for the pre-cannon square of my ladiesbingo card but not sure it actually fits. ~6500 words. ~6500 litres of tea.


Read it on A03.org

Title: Your gains depend on your losses

Rating: Adult

Summary: Cassandra has a kink.

Notes:   For @sweettasteofbitter  who wanted it, thought it up, and then helped me plot it out on the discord.


Read it on A03.org


Underneath the Bough, Ch. 52

And with that, Underneath the Bough is completely posted!

Summary: Family. Legacy. Respect. Dorian bartered away his freedom and independence to purchase them when he’d resigned himself to walk the path his father had designed for him. His shackles chafed, even as he toed the line diligently, marrying a woman he loved but couldn’t be in love with, having a son he was mortified of disappointing- It was almost enough to build a life from, until disease rendered both his son and his marriage feeble. A visit from a mysterious doctor threatens to turn his household, his world, and his heart upside-down.
NOTE: This is a Halward “wins” AU (in the Victorian era, where homosexuality is still outlawed in the UK), where Dorian is pressured into marrying, having a family, and continuing the Pavus legacy and the consequences of that choice. As such, one of the major themes is societal homophobia, so be aware before reading.

Fandom:Dragon Age
Word Count: 270k
Pairings:Dorian Pavus / Anders, Almila Pavus/Anders, Dorian Pavus/Almila Pavus
Read More:From the top;Chapter 52

Excerpt below the cut!

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Long time no see <3 here’s one of the few (very few) prompts I wrote for pride month. I’ll try and post the other ones later. And here’s an AO3 link!

Zevran fic, mostly a character study, 1k, rated T for themes of loss, heartbreak, growing pains

Zevran used to love his mother’s gloves. He’d sit on the rags that served as his bed in the dim light of the brothel’s store room, tracing the fine dalish stitching on the back, the seams running along the fingers, the one frayed edge along the left ring finger; daydreaming about one day wearing those for real, when his hands would be big enough.

When he found himself taken out of the brothel, spending his nights with a dozen other kids just as confused as him, he began sleeping with the gloves under his head. His handler called it pride into something he’d never had and never would have, something egotistical and useless to his purpose. The words were too big for Zevran, and the concepts even more so, and he didn’t fight when the gloves were taken away from him.

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pseudofaux:One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!)


One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!). I adored Alistair hard and did woo Leliana for all I was worth, but the second Zevran was on my screen, my warden Eudren was DONE FOR. And so was I. I slowed down my play significantly in the last couple days of the game because I didn’t want it to be over.

This isn’t written with any warden’s name, but it is a female Tabris. Most of all, it’s Zevran going a bit antsy lust-mooning over her.


AND THEN THIS (clearly I can stop WHENEVER I want )


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One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!). I adored

One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!). I adored Alistair hard and did woo Leliana for all I was worth, but the second Zevran was on my screen, my warden Eudren was DONE FOR. And so was I. I slowed down my play significantly in the last couple days of the game because I didn’t want it to be over.

This isn’t written with any warden’s name, but it is a female Tabris. Most of all, it’s Zevran going a bit antsy lust-mooning over her.


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A Snip In Time - Chapter 1

Callie learned all about the Breach and the Inquisition in school; who didn’t? Shame she didn’t pay closer attention … Time and magic went wibbly wobbly, and now she’s a modern hairdresser in Dragon Age Thedas. So how did that story go again?

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“I’m sorry, did I fall into a reenactment or something?” she asked, withdrawing her hand self-consciously to tug the hem of her shorts a little lower. “There aren’t any Seekers any more. Definitely no Seekers called Pentaghast.”

The man who had named himself Blackwall raised his brows at her declaration, carefully turning so his shoulder was firmly between her and the woman he had said was Seeker Pentaghast. That one was staring at Callie again, and this time she looked even more unfriendly.

“I assure you, my lady, Cassandra Pentaghast is as real as you or I,” he insisted in a low voice. “I would not recommend antagonising her just now.”

Callie rolled her eyes. 

“Look, I don’t know what’s going on here, but there’s no way that is really Cassandra Pentaghast,” she said firmly. “I may not be the greatest history buff in the world, but I know my own family’s history. The last Cassandra Pentaghast lived in the Dragon Age - no one else in the family has ever had that name since she gave it up to become Divine Victoria. Try again.”
