
theslimeologist:What if there was a slime that adds legs to largos


What if there was a slime that adds legs to largos

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What is there to say about Genesis? Well, she was liquid gold. She arrived into town in the summer of ‘99 and was gone by winter. That era is crystalline in my mind’s eye. Constantly replaying on the TV, a clip-show of days out on the dock at Angel’s Bay, cicadas chirping, driving through town in Delia’s orange hatchback, hanging out on the hot metal bleachers watching the Cheerleaders run their routines down on the dewy field. Genesis struck the ground hot like lightning, cracked open the earth, made a new home in us for a short time, then vanished. And is that not the mark of divinity? Do our gods and saints and saviors not abandon us in the end? 

prompts:cicada summer|new home|crystalline|favorite girl@nosebleedclub
