#wheee chronic disease is fun



does anybody with hypothyroidism out there take different doses of levothyroxine within the week?

i’m currently in the process of switching to this method. i’ve been doing 25 mcg on m/w/f and 50 mcg on the other days to mimic the same pattern as when my doctor had me skipping days before, but i’m wondering if you’re actually supposed to take the same dose on consecutive days?

I got lucky and my Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism was caught *right* at the beginning. My body and brain, I swear, started breaking down right around when we all went into lockdown in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts in March and I thought it was stress. Luckily, I had my virtual annual physical a few months later and my hormone levels were off the charts! So I’ve spent the past few months titrating my levothyroxine doses. The 50 mcg seems to be doing the trick and my levels are back down to normal and I feel 10 years younger. So I think I might be lucky.

The one weird thing that I do, though, is that I set my alarm for 5:15 a.m. to take my dose, that way nothing I eat will interfere with the medication (I go back to bed after taking my pill and get up normally around 6:30 .am., take my vitamins around 7 a.m., and eat breakfast around 8 a.m.). My doctor thinks it’s flat-out weird, but she agrees it’s a smart work-around because there’s a lot of *normal* things that can interfere with absorption if you do them (or drink them or eat them) within 1 to 2 hours of taking your meds.

Crazy as this sounds (and I’m sure you’ve tried this), maybe alter the time you take your pill? Alternating doses seems somewhat dangerous to me, because it messes with the steady state necessary to control the condition.

Then again, I could be at the lucky end of the spectrum of hypothyroidism. In that it was caught early and my thyroid didn’t get the chance to do massive damage to me or it could be that I just reacted well to the medication with minimum side-effects. I don’t know.
