#wheel of time spoilers



I started reading Eye of the World after having watched the four available WoT episodes, and probably the first thing I noticed is how the show really made the people from Two Rivers a lot more knowledgable about the outside world, or at least about Aes Sedai.

Like, EVERYONE in the inn recognizes Moiraine as an Aes Seai basically the moment she enters. Meanwhile in the books, she is literally walking around in her all-blue super fancy clothes with her Aes Sedai ring and Lan in his typical warder coat and people only notice she’s an Aes Sedai when she starts shooting lightning. The contrast was just very funny to me.

On the other hand, I was VERY disappointed I didn’t get to see Moiraine and Lan fight those trollocs bc I absolutely loved that scene in the show.

I started reading Eye of the World after having watched the four available WoT episodes, and probably the first thing I noticed is how the show really made the people from Two Rivers a lot more knowledgable about the outside world, or at least about Aes Sedai.

Like, EVERYONE in the inn recognizes Moiraine as an Aes Seai basically the moment she enters. Meanwhile in the books, she is literally walking around in her all-blue super fancy clothes with her Aes Sedai ring and Lan in his typical warder coat and people only notice she’s an Aes Sedai when she starts shooting lightning. The contrast was just very funny to me.


this feels borderline poking some kind of a wasp’s nest but one thing I am really appreciating about the state of wheel of time fandom right now is the increased acknowledgment I am seeing of rand’s trauma and extremely poor mental health relative to what it was like when I was in this fandom the first time around where it felt like there was, uh, not so much of that and a lot more “whiny” getting thrown around

just a nice change! you know. in a world where other fandom things have gotten worse it’s important to acknowledge improvement


you know what my favorite Mat “I’m no bloody hero” Cauthon scene is? It isn’t the scene in which he stands up to bullies and acquires a child. It isn’t any scene in which he wonders why his Accidental Baby Acquisition suddenly gained all these bad habits that most certainly have nothing to do with him. It isn’t any scene in which he and Nynaeve bicker like siblings. It isn’t his first ever appearance with Rand nor his last with Padan Fain. It isn’t even any of the other scenes in which he does something epic by sheer chance (or even on purpose), or when he totally wrecks two princes with his quarterstaff, or when he gets into a bragging contest with the Dragon Reborn.

No, it’s when he sees Egwene walking alone and ignored as a newly elected Amyrlin in the middle of a group of Aes Sedai, thinks I won’t have any Two Rivers woman treated this way, and makes a huge show of making a leg and giving Egwene the respect she deserves, even AFTER he readily admits he thinks she’s crazy for (and had been coerced into) accepting the position in the first place.

Her soft “Thank you, Mat” kills me every time.


Hi I’m Mat Cauthon and I like evil girls the best
