#wheel of time book spoilers



WoT Musing: The Tragedy of Aram

Elyas makes maybe the most lucid observation about Aram’s central conflict in the entire series. Aram has given up everything he is for the sword: his pepole, his way of life, his beliefs, even his family. Because he could not live with being powerless in a violent world, he could not stay to a peaceful way of life in a world that was too cruel for peace. That left a void in him, a void with he filled with his devotion to Perrin, Faile, and the sword. And it’s not enough.

But part of the reason it’s not enough is because Perrin dosen’t want to be the object of Aram’s loyalty. Perrin so often rejects every part of being a Lord: but especially he rejects the relationship between master and servant, or master and armsman. He dosen’t want power over anyone, he dosen’t want people depending on him as the source of guidance and protection and meaning in their lives, because deep down Perrin thinks he isn’t worthy, and will screw everything up. To that end, Perrin seizes on every small mistake as evidence of his unfitness to lead, and ignores all evidence to the contrary, with a willful stubborn blindness.

And the worst side effect of this, is that Perirn’s most loyal follower, his most devoted ally, the person who gave his all to Perrin….is left out in the wind. Perrin’s refusal to try and lead, leaves Aram lost and angry and bitter, as the person he gave up everything to follow increasingly rejects his aid and his loyalty, rebukes and censures him for doing what he swore to do without offering an feedback or instructions on what he should have done differently, because at the end of the day it isn’t really about Aram. It’s about Perrin’s desire to reject what Aram’s represents, the devotion of armsman to lord.

And so Aram is left to twist in the wind, to become more isolated, more bitter, and more frustrated, which makes him the perfect target for Masema’s manipulation, Masema, who knows how faith in a higher power can be used to take advantage of others, and to fill the void in people when the world around them fails them. Masema, who tells him it’s Perrin that is evil, foul, and corrupt, that gives outlet to Aram’s anger and frustration and the betrayal he feels.

Aram is a victim of Perrin’s indecisiveness, and the worst part is, that he never fully reckons with that, never is forced to confront the consequences of his failure to take responsibility. He accepted Aram’s oath, and then betrayed his loyalty, but being tunnel visioned onto his own insecurities, and his need to save Faile, he never realized it.

So Aram dies a footnote, in both the narrative and Perrin’s view, and that in so many ways is the worst fate he could have had.

excellent analysis, never considered Aram or even Perrin in this light


Birgitte outfit inspo

“She wore a short white coat of peculiar cut and wide yellow trousers gathered in folds at her ankles, above short boots with raised heels”

if there’s one thing i’ve come to understand after finishing the books is that bela the shaggy brown mare was the true hero of the series

i just read the amazing standoff between egwene and elaida, and just when i thought things couldn’t possibly get any better - cadsuane spanks a forsaken in the next chapter

i love this series


I feel like I always forget how muchhappens in A Crown of Swords. book 7 over here like:

  • Rand coming back to Cairhien and deposing Colavaere (and all…that)
  • official Rand/Min fuckening
  • Nynaeve’s block is gone and also she and Lan are married now
  • the fog that eats people. also Padan Fain again
  • oh hey that’s a gholam
  • a wild Moridin appears
  • the Bowl of Winds plot
  • Egwene starting to build her coalition
  • the Black Ajah hunting party forms in the Tower
  • a building falls on Mat
  • because the Seanchan are back in a big way
  • distribution of Aiel that’s going to kick off the most tiring kidnapping plot ever
  • oh yeah also Sammael’s dead

i JUST finished the book today and if a book could give you whiplash, this one certainly would



I love Lan & Nynaeve as much as the next person but Nynaeve’s relationship with Rand is up there for the most important relationship in the books. She never abandons him. In fact, she takes on two of the most dangerous people from the legends just because she hears Rand is in danger (despite spending an entire book calling herself a coward). Rand never doubts that she will join him on what anyone else would see as a suicide mission not once but twice. She accepts both times no questions asked. When he’s spiralling she’s always there & he never pushes her away.

As for Rand’s love for Nynaeve…Throughout the story Nynaeve struggles for every one of her achievements. She’s supremely talented & incredibly strong but each time she achieves something someone else comes along and either does the thing independently of her or outdoes her. She never really gets respect from the Aes Sedai despite all her miracles. She keeps going though working miracle after miracle without recognition. Rand not only recognises her achievements, he celebrates them. More importantly though, he celebrates her.

Don’t let them ruin you, Nynaeve. They’ll try…Your passion is part of you,’ Rand said. ‘I tried to be like them, though I wouldn’t have admitted it. Cold. Always in control. It nearly destroyed me. That is strength to some, but it is not the only type of strength. Perhaps you could learn to control yourself a little more, but I like you as you are. It makes you genuine. I would not see you become another “perfect” Aes Sedai with a painted mask of a face and no care for the feelings and emotions of others.

I love them, your honour!

She literally only ever judges him for one (1) thing.

Rand: I wanna go on a suicide mission to cleanse saidin.

Nynaeve: You son of a bitch, count me in.

Rand: I want to go on a suicide mission to save the wheel.

Nynaeve: Not without me!

Rand: I can’t tell you what I’m doing, I’m going crazy, and I need you to trust me.

Nynaeve: I’ll do that AND look for a way to heal craziness!!

Rand: I’m marrying three women.

Nynaeve: YOU WHAT?!

Nynaeve ‘i’m ok with the entire world falling to madness around me and will support rand in just about anything if just to box his ears along the way - but i draw the line at three wives’ Al’Meara


Post box Rand suffers Aes Sedai. He HATES them making any sudden movements around him. When he reunites with Nynaeve he thinks of her as Aes Sedai occasionally but the difference between her and them is that the only time any Aes Sedai gets to touch him (that I remember) is when he’s unconscious & they’re trying to Heal him. Then you have Nynaeve fussing over him for books on end & he just sits there like he’s 5 again and she’s checking him for a fever.

But even before they reunite, in a most desperate moment when a boy dies in his arms he thinks of Nynaeve & says,

“The Wisdom in my village could cure anything.”

I love, love, love, that distance and the fact that Nynaeve was unable to Heal Tam in the first book didn’t take that trust away.


this feels borderline poking some kind of a wasp’s nest but one thing I am really appreciating about the state of wheel of time fandom right now is the increased acknowledgment I am seeing of rand’s trauma and extremely poor mental health relative to what it was like when I was in this fandom the first time around where it felt like there was, uh, not so much of that and a lot more “whiny” getting thrown around

just a nice change! you know. in a world where other fandom things have gotten worse it’s important to acknowledge improvement


you know what my favorite Mat “I’m no bloody hero” Cauthon scene is? It isn’t the scene in which he stands up to bullies and acquires a child. It isn’t any scene in which he wonders why his Accidental Baby Acquisition suddenly gained all these bad habits that most certainly have nothing to do with him. It isn’t any scene in which he and Nynaeve bicker like siblings. It isn’t his first ever appearance with Rand nor his last with Padan Fain. It isn’t even any of the other scenes in which he does something epic by sheer chance (or even on purpose), or when he totally wrecks two princes with his quarterstaff, or when he gets into a bragging contest with the Dragon Reborn.

No, it’s when he sees Egwene walking alone and ignored as a newly elected Amyrlin in the middle of a group of Aes Sedai, thinks I won’t have any Two Rivers woman treated this way, and makes a huge show of making a leg and giving Egwene the respect she deserves, even AFTER he readily admits he thinks she’s crazy for (and had been coerced into) accepting the position in the first place.

Her soft “Thank you, Mat” kills me every time.


Hi I’m Mat Cauthon and I like evil girls the best
