#when is the best time to post tenipuri content idek


INDEX:[Part I][Part II]
Audio commentary from Prince of Tennis OVA: National Tournament Arc, FAN DISK White heat Remix, translated by me. Part III is Tezuka and Fuji’s commentary on Tezuka vs Kabaji match. Audio linked in the Content Source below.

Fuji: Look! It’s finally your turn.
Fuji: How is it, watching yourself from an outsider’s perspective?
Tezuka: Not bad.
Fuji: I knew you’d say that. Do you usually watch videos of yourself, Tezuka?
Tezuka: I don’t watch videos, but I do always try to look at myself in an objective perspective. If you keep letting your personal thoughts guide you, you won’t be able to make good decisions.
Fuji: I see. As always, you make a very good point.
Tezuka: Kabaji’s copying ability has definitely improved a lot compared to last time.
Fuji: Yeah. It surprised me too, actually. He very easily copied “Tezuka Zone” too.
Tezuka: His ability may seem simple at a glance, but it’s really not.
Fuji: Yeah, I agree.
Tezuka: He must have trained a lot behind the scenes.
Fuji: I’m sure he did. Atobe looked rather smug about it too.
Fuji: By the way, in Inui’s memo…
Fuji: This is… info on you….isn’t it?
Fuji: “Chummily played tennis with Miyuki-san in Kyushu.”

Fuji: Miyuki is a woman’s name, isn’t it?
Tezuka: A woman… Sure…
Fuji: Which means… this info is real.
Tezuka: She really helped me out, mentally speaking.
Fuji: For her to help you out mentally, she must be quite mature.
Tezuka: She is… That is true, in a way. She taught me how to have the guts to look at myself and cope with hard times. Needless to say, she still has a naive and innocent side to her.
Fuji: Hmmm… An innocent side huh…
Fuji: *laughs* Why did you go to Kyushu again?
Tezuka: “Why?” For rehabilitation.
Fuji: So you say…
Tezuka: What? Why do you look so skeptical?
Fuji:Playing tennis with a mature woman who has a child-like innocence… So that’s what counts as rehabilitation to you… *laughs* That rehabilitation sounds rather fun… I want to try it too.
Tezuka: Fuji, it’s the other way around.
Fuji: It is?
Tezuka: I’m talking about a very young woman with nerves of steel like an adult.
Tezuka: She’s in grade school.
Fuji: Oh.. She is, is she? Now I’m a little disappointed.
Tezuka: What exactly were you expecting?
Fuji: Oh, nothing!
Tezuka: I hear she’s actually Chitose from Shitenhouji Middle’s sister.
Fuji: Oh! I see!
Tezuka: We only met by chance, but we were actually connected in some strange way.
Fuji: Putting aside what Miyuki-chan may have done to help you, I’m glad you got better. Everyone was looking forward to your return.
Tezuka: I’ve really caused trouble for you all. Forgive me.
Fuji: Oishi especially had a hard time, I think. Since he had to take on your role in the club too.
Tezuka: That’s true.. He had to go through quite a lot because of me.
Fuji: Oishi’s got some strange kind of power, doesn’t he. Even though he’s not the type to outright lead the group, we get swept along to his pace before we know it.
Tezuka: Oishi has helped me out so many times. I hope to repay him for that in some way.
Fuji: If you want to repay him, there’s only one way to do it right now.
Tezuka: Yes, you’re right.
Fuji: Aim for the National Championship!

[It starts raining in the video]

Fuji: Rain, huh.
Tezuka: What about it?
Fuji: Every time I see rain, I remember…
Tezuka: Your practice match with Echizen?
Fuji: Yes. We didn’t finish it in the end, I still can’t forget the thrill I experienced, and how fired up I felt from deep within. I hope we can continue the match someday…
Tezuka: …Don’t do it right now.
Fuji: I know.
Tezuka: However, I’m sure that time will come someday.
Fuji: I sure hope so.
Tezuka: Still, much of my match has been cut out. There were more notable things that happened…
Fuji: You’re actually bothered by that. The moment it started raining, the match became one-sided in your favor, so it was inevitable. Anyhow, congrats on your win, Tezuka.

♔ JP fans commented that Tezuka sounded like a narcissist as he evaluated how it felt to look at himself from an outsider’s POV lmao. Just imagine him looking at himself and going, “Hmm, not bad." And then there’s the part where he complained about the lack of screentime for his match. He wanted to see more of himself, Inui! How dare you.
♔ Tezuka keeps challenging me to find short English equivalents for these short formal transition words he uses that be more commonly seen in writing/formal talks, and it makes me want to tear my hair out lmao.
♔In case you were thinking I should’ve just translated “woman” as “girl”, josei, the word Fuji (and Tezuka) uses here, implies that Fuji was assuming it was an older girl from the start lol.

[Next Part]
