#when you work in a library



I’m posting this here as well as FB:

Friends, if you hear your library is going to open up even for curbside pickup, I’m asking you to publicly request details of how staff will be safe. Are there plexiglass shields? Ok, how high and where? PPE? What PPE exactly and is it being taken from medical professionals? How much do they have to reuse it? The books will be cleaned/quarantined? How long and with what? How are you going to keep staff safe from people who refuse to wear masks or distance? Who’s cleaning the bathrooms? What happens if a patrons spits or coughs on people? How are they protecting Asian-presenting staff from hate speech and acts of violence? If staff have to ride public transportation do they have a place to change when they get to work or do you provide masks to them before they get on the bus?

I know you miss the library but for every decent person who washes their hands and wears a mask there’s one who will tell me it’s a hoax and lick the checkout computer. I signed up to be a librarian, not a first responder.

If you’re reading this, download Libby or RB Digital or whatever your library uses and get new content that way, don’t fucking romanticize the library and put us at risk. We’re just people trying to keep our families safe.

“But restaurants/bars/grocery stores are allowed to be open or do pick up!”

Yes, and they don’t require you to return your used bags, dishes, and packages to be handed to the next person in line. 

Many libraries serve as default day centers for homeless and others with nowhere else to go. People are also staring to go a little stir crazy after being stuck at home for so long, I get it. While loads of people are making the right choice and staying home if libraries open they will be full. This is a very rare case where librarians are shouting that our doors need to be/stay closed. Use ALL of the amazing digital services or phone services we offer, but STAY THE FUCK HOME. 
