


disney employees are starting a full week of walkouts leading to their big walkout on march 22nd, 2022. they’ve asked people to not use disney products during this week. (no disney+, hulu, espn, playing games, watching videos, reviewing/blogging about any of their IP, no going to the parks). this is a targeted and timed action you can concretely participate in.

they’re asking people to also support by using those hashtags and to sign their petition in solidarity.



Passed along to me & confirmed by a friend who works at Disney.

Just a reminder that other employees at Disney are walking out and have been calling for a BOYCOTT all week

Also if you want to be an ally to these workers and align yourself with the cause stop blogging about the new movies/trailers because that is literally part of the boycott

…. Maybe go to their website and take a look at what the demands are and suggestions for how non-Disney employee allies can actually help? Regarding a boycott: https://twitter.com/DisneyWalkout/status/1504919617856102402

[image description: tweet by @ DisneyWalkout on March 18, 2022 that reads: “We’ve been seeing this question alot and want to address it. We have not called for one, but if want to, please do. Just know, the crews of your favorite content would love for you see their work. They put countless hours in to create something they were proud to share.”

this is in reply to a tweet by @ AsexualAutistic that reads: “Are you calling for a boycott?” /end ID]

A list of demands here https://www.whereischapek.com/demands includes a bunch of actions they want The Walt Disney Company to do such as stopping campaign donations to Florida politicians that support the “don’t say gay” bill.

Here are ways supporters can help: https://www.whereischapek.com/how-can-i-help-tuesday that include things like:

  • talking about the walkout on social media
  • links to queer organizations you can volunteer for
  • suggestions for bugging your local reps
  • links to learn more about queer history, including podcasts and shows to watch
  • (yes I know I’m posting late to the actual date of the walkout, it’s already March 23 here, but these ways to support are not limited to March 22)

Also! [image descriptions for tweets screencapped under @ runcibility’s post: a series of three tweets by @ DisneyWalkout on March 21, 2022 found at https://twitter.com/DisneyWalkout/status/1506057714119503873 that read:

“(1/3) We have been informed that Disneyland Cast Members who do not feel safe to fully walkout tomorrow are being told they cannot even wear pride/trans Mickey pins to show support. Standing in stark contrast to the words of "inclusion” spoken by Chapek today in the town hall.

(2/3) These are the Mickey pins that Disney themselves sells. They want us to feel “safe” but then sell our identities as brands for profit while preventing those same identities from existing in their own company.

This all happening while many sectors of the company have been internally supportive of employees walking out tomorrow. Front-line workers, the most vulnerable of us, not given the respect they deserve is shameful. #DisneyDoBetter#DisneySayTrans#DisneySayGay#WhereIsChapek /end ID]
